apartment ripped off


Active Member
I came back from an evening class to see coco on the floor in the hall way of my apartment. My closet door was open, light still on, but the 5 flowering plants were removed. 5 ounces in my fridge were also gone.

Whats fucked up is that the front door which was locked wasn't tampered with. This leads me to believe it must have been the apartment maintenance. He had been in my apartment a week before well I was there to check 'numbers on the the heater.' What do you all think? (i live on the 3rd floor in an apartment in ann arbor, which is a pretty safe area)

Also, the theif left my 12 serious chronic plants which are lookng pretty good at 2 weeks old. I've still got them under the light, which has got to be retarded.


Well-Known Member
Damn that really sucks man probably was the maintenance dude, I would probably move if that is an option, cuz they know u got more growing if you stick around they are just gonna come back. After I moved I would come back and beat the shit out of that guy.

north strong & free

Active Member
He smelled what was up and had an insatiable appetite for the green shit! That dirty parasite. He has a key, and he can come back in the future. Best thing to do is go see him. Make up some other shit, like electronics in the story and say how there was no forceable entry involved. How would that happen? Watch his body language. Then seek justice :fire:


Well-Known Member
nonono no rattatating now were not childern. first and formost this by far the worst thing that could happen im sorry for your loss but as said previously you might want to think about moving orrrrrrrrr set yoh man up but dont have weed this time just let him think there is and in time history usaly repeats itself.


Well-Known Member
change the lock and dont tell them. if they want in they have to give you notice, then you be there for there scheduled time to show up. its law you need minumum of 24 hr notice


Active Member
This situation sucks, the best thing to do is find another place to live, or continue having your op disappearing or worse, the landlord calling the law on you. THIS part sucks ass but the landlord has EVERY right to come unto his PROPERTY that YOU are RENTING from. Never have a grow op if you are RENTING, the reason is the landowner has every right to come to the apartment/house whatever it is. 24 hour law where they can come into the house, lol as long as you are a renter, you really don't have much for rights. Either move or give up on growing till you can grow worry free. Trust me when I said you don't have much rights if you are a renter.


Well-Known Member
Apartment maint. gets blamed.
Nothing else but went right to the weed......This was a PAL of yours.

Flowering plants...the fridge. Open your eyes!


Well-Known Member
sucks dude u cant do nothin about it just move and catch the guy later beat the brains out of him or leave ur webcam to record and ull find out then u beat the brians out of him


Well-Known Member
This situation sucks, the best thing to do is find another place to live, or continue having your op disappearing or worse, the landlord calling the law on you. THIS part sucks ass but the landlord has EVERY right to come unto his PROPERTY that YOU are RENTING from. Never have a grow op if you are RENTING, the reason is the landowner has every right to come to the apartment/house whatever it is. 24 hour law where they can come into the house, lol as long as you are a renter, you really don't have much for rights. Either move or give up on growing till you can grow worry free. Trust me when I said you don't have much rights if you are a renter.
Maybe its different where you live but in most places the lease that you sign to rent the place does give you certain rights and one of those is a 24h notice. The owner just being able to come in whenever is bullshit, when you lease a car they can't just come drive it away whenever they want, unless you arn't payin the bill.


Well-Known Member
I came back from an evening class to see coco on the floor in the hall way of my apartment. My closet door was open, light still on, but the 5 flowering plants were removed. 5 ounces in my fridge were also gone.

Whats fucked up is that the front door which was locked wasn't tampered with. This leads me to believe it must have been the apartment maintenance. He had been in my apartment a week before well I was there to check 'numbers on the the heater.' What do you all think? (i live on the 3rd floor in an apartment in ann arbor, which is a pretty safe area)

Also, the theif left my 12 serious chronic plants which are lookng pretty good at 2 weeks old. I've still got them under the light, which has got to be retarded.
You came back and the door was locked, no other signs of forced entry? If that is the case, then you can be GUARAN-FUCKIN-TEED it was someone who's got a master key. Change those locks! MotherFUCKER. :evil:


New Member
im experienced at these things, break into the apartment look for the weed and if you find it trash his place and shit in his sink and piss on his bed. Move your plants before you do this cause hell cal the cops, and if he does then invite them in ull havenothing there lol but ull know hes a fagget ass rat bitch and a shitty thief change the locks. Wear gloves.


Well-Known Member
Add one of those chain locks that the owner/maint. guys don't have key for..when you see him just mumble how the last person who screwed with you got his pic posted on a diddler watch site....... A guy I know royally screwed a guy that way...


Well-Known Member
Let the maintenance man know somehow that you have a video of the theft and know who it is ,, shake him up a little if it is him


Junior Creatologist
The dude up top that said that its probably a "friend" of yours is right. Whoever ganked your shit knew exactly where to look, and didnt disturb anything else but your chronic. Did anybody you know have access to your keys at one point or another?? someone could have stolen your keys and made a copy in a matter of hours man - is it possible that somebody could have done this?? i know it sucks to think that way, but its the most likely thing that could have happened. Unless your maintenence guy goes into apartments on a regular basis and checks shit out, There aint no way hes gonna know that you got plants goin on unless you aint coverin your tracks well enough - meaning he had to have smelled it in order to know where to look. If you have anybody that knows about your grow, it dont matter how close you think they are to you, if anyone knows then i would be counting them in as suspects. When it comes to money and drugs, people who you wouldnt suspect in a million years could run up in your house, hold a gun to your head, and rob you blind.

Change your locks out completely, and keep growing man. You do eventually need to find somewhere else to live, but in the meantime dont let the fuckin haters sway you n make you give up what you love doing. Change them fuckin locks and add some locks to the mix too. That way if somebody wants to get in, they have to BREAK in, and thatd cause too much attention in an apartment complex. Keep on keepin on man, n im sorry to hear that you have to deal with petty bullshit like thieves runnin around in your circle of friends.

Renting or owning, you still have a right to privacy. To say that you have no rights because you dont own your living space is rediculous. Ive lived in my apartment for years and the owner of the complex has only come to visit n check shit out one time in the entire time ive been living here. N he gave like 3 days notice, lol. If you have a landlord that thinks he can just walk into your shit whenever he wants, then you need to address the problem and let him know that hes invading your personal space, and if he wants to ever come check on shit from here on out, then he needs to give notice. Either that, or just dont answer the door next time somebody comes by to check up on you. That way, they have to come back at another time, and you can tell them THEN than you need 24 hours notice before they stop by, so you can make sure somebody is home.


Active Member
Probably was the f.n maintenance man. I live in the ghetto so I got my shit like fort knox. Gotta get through two locked doors to get to my shit. One has a secret lock. I been ripped off numerous times in the past (years ago) and kinda learned the hard way. One time I think my own step father ripped my shit. I just got back on track and I'm lookin for any handouts I can get. Hit me up for an email address. phillgood4st@gmail.com