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  1. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    Appreciate the info… I did a little research and you're totally spot on with everything you said my plants are flourishing to say the least, they have obviously entered that full on vegetative state… It literally amazes me every time I check my grow box… I watered them once after the transplant...
  2. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    So I actually did not buy the nutrients yet… After buying all of the mixers for my soil… Performing the transplant… I figured they would need a few days of recovery and just watering anyway… So I'm kind of back to square one, I will probably use one of the recommendations from a previous post...
  3. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    The deed is done, Foxfarm soil mixed up with dolomite and perlite … Transplanted into square pots… There was a little bit of slight route drama when transplanting the bigger one I heard a very very faint to snap when I was gently removing the clump of dirt from the pot… All seems well this...
  4. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    Hey guys UPDATE just got 2 bags of fox farm ocean Forrest, dolomite some perlite and 2 new square containers I'm going to transplant tonight, what is a good ratio for mixing up a good soil? Also my average temp is 82-84 degrees, I know that's on the slightly higher side, but I can't seem to...
  5. SRV

    Help! LED Lights and Watering

    Alrighty, I found a good recipe for mixing my soil. The first transplant went just fine..... But the second one.... Ugh..... The roots had reached the bottom of the pot and upon lifting the clump of dirt surrounding the roots out.... I heard at least one or two small snaps..... It pained me to...
  6. SRV

    Help! LED Lights and Watering

    Hey guys UPDATE just got 2 bags of fox farm ocean Forrest, dolomite some perlite and 2 new square containers I'm going to transplant tonight, what is a good ratio for mixing up a good soil? Also my average temp is 82-84 degrees, I know that's on the slightly higher side, but I can't seem to...
  7. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    Love oat willies, yeah I moved to ATX a few years back and love it here.
  8. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    this guy. Damn even an address to go lol. Really appreciate the info! I will keep ya posted, gonna stop by there tomorrow
  9. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    What a great response, thank you for the schedule, but I will do as you say and start small and keep a close eye on my girls to see how they react. Any recommendations on a veg and bloom product I could get at a local nursury or specialty store? I live in Austin so there's a lot of outdoor stores.
  10. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    I have two plants right now that are about 2 1/2 weeks old. Im about to transplant them from miracle grow soil to fox farm with some perlite dolamite mixed in. They are vegging under 18–6 light schedule under a 300 W LED 16 inches away. When should I begin to feed them? And does anyone have...
  11. SRV

    A basic nutrient schedule please

    I have two plants right now that are about 2 1/2 weeks old. Im about to transplant them from miracle grow soil to fox farm with some perlite dolamite mixed in. They are vegging under 18–6 light schedule under a 300 W LED 16 inches away. When should I begin to feed them? And does anyone have...
  12. SRV

    Help! LED Lights and Watering

    Hey guys, I have a small grow box setup in my house and a new 300 watt led from growtimetunnel. My plants are 2 weeks old and I feel like they are small for there age. So my question is. How high do I hang my 300watt led from these seedlings? Right now I'm at 16 inches. I also water with a...
  13. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    Sounds like a plan, I will keep you updated with my progress. Gonna try to hit a store today or at the latest Thursday (when I get paid )
  14. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    Right on! Wish I could go HID just limited with space and privacy right now. I really appreciate your advice though, I do think it would be worth it to switch soils at this point… Hopefully it does not stop the growth too much with the transplant… Would you suggest actually Saufley getting...
  15. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    Thanks for the reply, ok sounds like a plan, think I will go with Fox farm ocean whatev it's called lol, and what amount of dolamite should I add? Since I'm transplanting I can get different containers like you mentioned, I have a few other veggies in that box as you see, they are there simply...
  16. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    Ok here's a few shots of my setup and my girls. I have an oscillating tower fan and a Humidifier inside as well, running on a timer with an average RH of 55-60
  17. SRV

    Soil, Lights And All That

    Well hello Roll it up, My first post here. I have a little indoor garden right now,its inside a box a designed myself, nothing crazy. Its set on top of a tabe with some insulation on sides and black tarp across top and front to enclose. I will Post some pictures here in next hour. Anyway....I...