I rarely see a conversation about leaching soil after a few grows. In my experience I find the need to leach every 3 or 4 grows. I went 5 years re amending, about 15 grows with the same soil before sending out a soil sample for testing and it had excessive amounts of sulfur and calcium. Could be...
Lots of good advice.
In the 3rd picture in the 1st post it looks like the green fan is blasting the canopy. The fan should be higher up or directed away from the plant. leaves are not happy when constantly being hit with a fan.
I don't use liquid fertilizers, I use top dressing with dry ferts. I don't water to runoff most days. I use a mix of tap and RO water that's about 200 ppms going in. When I do get runoff and test it I like to see between 1700 - 2500 ppms. During the grow because I don't often water to runoff the...
Looks like a fungal disease.
Some leaves in this link look like yours.
Exobasidium leaf and fruit spot of blueberry | NC State Extension Publications (ncsu.edu)
I'm going with leaf spot being what the dark spots are.
If this is an indoor grow, I would guess air circulation and humidity are an issue.
Leaf Spot | USU
I can't tell. With fusarium wilt the healthy green leaves and stems will all fall over and will be green for a short time before the plant eventually dies. If you only experienced it on a few branches and the plant survived to harvest it's something else. Not sure if that is what he has, if it...