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  1. Paul1234

    Are DNA Genetics Seeds Worth It?

    the cheeks of dna who deserted cali in 2000 when it was time to fight for prop 215, these lame ass hypers, good for nothing except bringing hype with their brooklyn fan club and the blowjob from high times magazine, not even their best strainm, is good, how easy to do way better than these seeds...
  2. Paul1234

    DNA Genetics?

    after 18 years of legalisation dna came back in the us, after 100 thousands of cannabis corporates openned, they start feeling less secure? yes for real guys, the cheeks you ve been mass promoting are made of what you think. buy your seeds from jewish mafias, buy your free seeds, you help...
  3. Paul1234

    DNA Genetics?

    only teenagers wanted free seeds at attitude can mass promote cup hoarders like dna but thwat they get is diluted, seeds bred in the shade of NL, dna are brokers not breeders, they re clown making up things with cups, with the HT prostate blowjobing them the best they can. do not promote these...
  4. Paul1234

    The attitude seed bank?

    the worst hypocrite (cigarette smoker) is Thomas Duchenne, owner of Planta sur sl, planta duch sl, kannabia seeds, and expogrow. Financed by credit cards sent from in russia, to get cash at the atms. its an authentic halfass, who play the hinest company owner, marginalise breeders...
  5. Paul1234

    The attitude seed bank?

    attitude natalia and diana and the guy, are ok so so, they do what they wnat how they wnat for them for g13, buy seed in bulk to promote a seedbank and might use them for their seedbank as well, they can buy 20k seeds from you and not even talk to a next show, its all in their hands, at...
  6. Paul1234

    DNA Genetics?

    dna genetics is a group of cheeks, first in 2000 they deserted cali, they never done nothing fro prop 215, they were worry. then they never bred but steal strains, they preferered to play the cannabis border lines on cannabis camps, after these jerks are used to camps. they re good at hype, they...
  7. Paul1234

    Seedbank genetics - same DNA?

    dna is a team of lame ass, who deserted california in 2000 whne it was needed to fight for prop 215, the cheeks at dna didnt feel secure they prefered to play the cannabis cup camp border lines with high times, if you look at these jerks, you noticed they reported 70 MIO but they cry like gypsys...
  8. Paul1234

    Dinafem La Mota

    dinafem, now its La Mota seeds and Alchimia web well suck on them like always....wait dinafem is said to start in 2001 when they first show ugly plants in 2007 but now they are saying La Mota seeds open in 1995 , lol, they waited 24 eyars to sell their or the art of...
  9. Paul1234

    Dinafem La Mota

    AntiTheist, I love the way you look at it, you re a cool dude,
  10. Paul1234

    Dinafem La Mota

    In reality the type of organization you need to be, is a mafia, its all illegal, there is no permits, they may steal the electrical, its like a big mafia, that is why the owner Oye Dinafem hide behind his shirt. they make millions with plants and they watch you going to jail for 15 plants! in...
  11. Paul1234

    Dinafem La Mota

    ok I see, so basically all the seeds are illegal. they may pay cops no? to have 6 or 8 huge breeding space tolerated? you know to increase your electrical power, you need to explain for what it is? if you want open 9 huge spaces like Dinafem its about 800 thousands watts? how do you go with the...
  12. Paul1234

    Dinafem La Mota

    I wanted to know how to get a permit to produce seeds? how dinafem La Mota produce millions of seeds? what type of permits they have in Catalonya?
  13. Paul1234

    Has Anyone Ordered from

    I ordered 6 months ago during one promo, my package was lost first time, and it took like 55 days to find out. Second time, they sent a replacement but there was 3 seeds only, while i ordered for a 300$ us dollars value, about 40 seeds the first time. None of these 3 seeds germinated. I red bad...