Dinafem La Mota


I wanted to know how to get a permit to produce seeds?
how dinafem La Mota produce millions of seeds? what type of permits they have in Catalonya?
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Well-Known Member
I looked for info but there is little. I would contact dinafem or your local gov and ask.
I suspect there is no legal permit currently though.


ok I see, so basically all the seeds are illegal.
they may pay cops no? to have 6 or 8 huge breeding space tolerated?
you know to increase your electrical power, you need to explain for what it is? if you want open 9 huge spaces like Dinafem its about 800 thousands watts?
how do you go with the electrical company? to go from 5000 watts to 9000 or 12k you need an autorization today.
you just say, you are a seedbank and they will hook you up with 800 thousands watts? and it will be all legal right? because its Catalonya? they are more tolerant in Catalonya? anybody familiar with the process with the electrical company?
What type or organization you must be?
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Well-Known Member
I assume you mean Spain? I dont think Catalonya is spelled that way. I know that thseeds does at least some of their work in spain. Must be some kind of permit or something. I'm a typical American ignorant of foreign cultures. I really have no idea.


In reality the type of organization you need to be, is a mafia, its all illegal, there is no permits, they may steal the electrical, its like a big mafia, that is why the owner Oye Dinafem hide behind his shirt. they make millions with plants and they watch you going to jail for 15 plants! in reality, they even pay for this, with the millions of euros of tax they pày in a system that continue sending people to jail for a few plants.

if you read the Dinafem La mota introduction, we are a group of breeders, no, they never been one breeders there, but one owner paying people to breed, never the same, if you look at the fem plants from dinafem in 2006, 2007, 2008 on the cannabis cafe, they were some of the ugliest fem seed plants pictured, coming from you don't know where, never it has been a group of breeders never it will be,
But Dianefm does not sell well, they may not even be alive in La mota distribucion was not paying it, so the seeds are send to testers per thousands, ruining the whole market this way.
Testers do not promnote Dinafem unless they show you their permits to breed, its all about a mafia in catalonia and nothing else, do not promote these jerks.
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Well-Known Member
In October 2005, the autonomous government in the region of Catalonia launched a program of therapeutical use of Sativex for 600 patients of a wide set of illnesses, from multiple sclerosis to cancer, in order to avoid nauseas or to relax tense muscles. The project involves six hospitals, forty researchers and sixty drugstores. The product is presented as an atomizer to be taken orally, and it will be delivered at drugstores inside some hospitals. The full text of the research initiative can be seen here,[9] in Catalan, from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Maybe it has something to do with this? Its from Wikipedia


dinafem, now its La Mota seeds and Alchimia web well suck on them like always....wait dinafem is said to start in 2001 when they first show ugly plants in 2007 but now they are saying La Mota seeds open in 1995 , lol, they waited 24 eyars to sell their seeds....lol.....Dinafem or the art of taking people for little birds around....lol...when you know that these guys use credit cards from Russia from rubaru biz to be paid at the atm in cash....lol....that s dinafem at his best today