Search results

  1. Canon Smoke

    Where Can I

    Hello, I am trying to locate a vendor who sells the Diatomatic "Ball type" grow medium, please let me know .
  2. Canon Smoke

    Are thrips Bright Green

    Hello all, I have noticed a new invader to my Babies and so far it has been a few, they look like thrips but are "camoflaged" in a bright green color, are they thrips and how to make them go away with out hurting my ladies? Thanks in advance. C Smoke
  3. Canon Smoke

    General Cannabis Botney

    here is a copy of well writen Cannabis Growing I have seen to date......enjoy and I hope this helps newbs as well as teaching Anatomy of our beloved plant. Chapter 1 - Sinsemilla Life Cycle of Cannabis Cannabis is a tall, erect, annual herb. Provided with an open sunny environment, light...
  4. Canon Smoke

    Thai Stick

    This is my first grow in a long long time, I bought 10 seeds from Holland and shipped to So Cal. 5 of the seeds were "crushed" and I sent an email to the seller, I then Germinated 3 of the 5 serviving seeds and all three have sprouted and in a months time they are 3 feet tall, I am using a good...
  5. Canon Smoke

    Getting Started Medically

    Hello , I have been taking 240 MGs of Morphine sulfate for 8 years now and before that the Dr's has tried almost everything else, I want off the MS so bad , and some friends who are medical assitants have been telling me to try MMJ. I have an appiontment in a few days and have so many questions...
  6. Canon Smoke

    Best time to Germinate

    I need to know the best time to germinate my Indica/sativa strain seed for here in so cal USA, I have not grow any since 1975 and am really out of practice, but am very enthusiastic again. thanks in advance.
  7. Canon Smoke

    Another from Beautiful San Diego

    Hello all ! Just wanted to say hello to others who love this plant as I do, thanks for making me feel welcome. CS :peace: