Getting Started Medically

Canon Smoke

Active Member
Hello , I have been taking 240 MGs of Morphine sulfate for 8 years now and before that the Dr's has tried almost everything else, I want off the MS so bad , and some friends who are medical assitants have been telling me to try MMJ.
I have an appiontment in a few days and have so many questions , Like where do I get it, whats the cost (I am on ssd) I had smoked it when I was a teenager and it was $10.00 a full lid or OZ. but I am told those days are long gone and it has gone up a little since then.
I am really confused and kinda scared, but I would almost rather die than keep taking this MS, some days I dont take it all and when I have banked a bunch I flush them. thanks for letting me ......Vent.


Active Member
sorry hear it bro best way to grow medically is organic. go to go to seed bank and thay have pure indica strains thats what would help for pain tha most man get high pressure sodium lights and organic mixed soil put bat guano in it helps really well.:joint:


Active Member
yo, i'm an hour north of you sorry to hear. pain meds suck i've been waiting for spine surgery for 15 months. weeds the best thing mixed with the pills especially. helps me be able to eat and live somewhat comfortably in my pain. hit me up if you head up torward dana point area. i bake amazing edibles if you dont like the idea of smoking.