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  1. J


    I had thought this was a female but these look male to me. Input?
  2. J

    First grow, any advice?

    Would it be a good idea to force it to flower September 1? I would put it in a tent to get the 12/12?.
  3. J

    First grow, any advice?

    This is my first serious grow so any advice is greatly appreciated. I live in New York and the plant has been outside since June 1. How does she look? Should I add any nutrients? I haven't added anything besides water yet. Is it stil in veg or has it moved on to the next stage? And around...
  4. J

    First time grower

    When should my plant start to show white pistils? It is a female and I believe it is in pre flower but what I believe to be pistils are short and green.
  5. J

    Typical outdoor harvest date

    I live in New York
  6. J

    Typical outdoor harvest date

    No it was just a seed in a bag i bought a few years a ago.
  7. J

    Typical outdoor harvest date

    Is there anything I should buy for when I dry to prevent mold?
  8. J

    Typical outdoor harvest date

    I am growing my first plant this year and it is an outdoor plant. I was wondering around when would it be time to harvest? Mid September?
  9. J

    Can anyone identify the sex?

    It's my first plant and I am unsure what sex it is. It is an outdoor plant so it is on a natural lighting schedule.
  10. J

    What sex is my plant?

    Better pictures
  11. J

    What sex is my plant?

    Can pistils grow out of the main stalk itself? I have something there but I will get the picture tomorrow when I go water.
  12. J

    What sex is my plant?

    About 3 feet but nice and bushy. I have limited room to work with and that constricts the pot size.
  13. J

    What sex is my plant?

    Roughly yes. Germinated in the middle of May.
  14. J

    What sex is my plant?

    Put her outside on June 1st. After 2 weeks inside.
  15. J

    What sex is my plant?

    Hard to focus camera so this is lower but I don't know if it helps.
  16. J

    What sex is my plant?

    It's an outdoor plant so no it is not on 12/12. I will get another picture when I check it again. Thanks people
  17. J

    What sex is my plant?

    My first plant. Can anyone tell its sex?