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  1. B

    i hate rap music

    Lil Wayne does need to die.
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    how to end a bad trip(the fear) smokin?

    noobs\ ....
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    Them blue lights caught up with me.

    A lot of people spend a lot of time driving high, or even getting high while driving. I don't think it causes wrecks nearly as easily as alcohol does.
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    Teen Attacks School Bus Driver (Graphic)

    I would have put a pen through his lung from behind as soon as I saw him doing that. That'd make the fucker chill out.
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    Them blue lights caught up with me.

    6-hour long road trips disagree. Some people can drive high perfectly safely. Being drunk is a guaranteed disadvantage in motor skills and reaction time.
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    Anyone Else Fell Like Cali?

    But think how many less people would be after you as a grower or seller or consumer. The state makes most pot arrests, the Feds usually only go after large grows or really blatant ones. It would make their efforts futile./
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    Another New Glass Piece

    You named a piece after that? Hope it can whistle.
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    IP address...

    That's an awful lot of effort for law enforcement TBH. Just don't post picture of a grow so big it makes you a trophy fish.
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    Fello train hoppers

    Trains stop out away from stations time to time to load different crews for really long travel. If you know where they do this, you can easily hitch a ride.
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    How To On Torrents

    Rapidshare me 408 albums in less than a month, all higher-than-cd-you-can-buy-in-store quality, biotch. Also get my HD copies of movies I can play without a stupid;y expensive disk player, I dare you. You can't...
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    Dont you just hate the Live Above The Influence commercial

    Nah, they're funny. My life is so great, the dumber they make themselves look, the more kids are willing to come try a toke with me, and the more people become part of our big group. So, basically they shoot themselves in the foot. Kids are not that dumb. They might stop some kids in...
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    How dedicated are you to marijuana?

    Guh, your children =/= you. Naming children after an agenda you have is foolish. This is why we have nicknames... I mean, it's not better than trying to name your kid "foreal" or "4real" because you want a rapper. Give you children non-retarded names or they will hate you. Trust me, I would know.
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    broken glass pipe!! help..

    Good point. I shattered my unique kaosglass steamroller two days ago. I was super pissed, but i'm gonna glue it back together and do a little sanding and turn it into a relic. Still need something for daily smoking that wont break. So really 8$ at any headshop lol.
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    broken glass pipe!! help..

    Does that little metal pen pipe smoke good?
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    So how to you feel about Internet piracy??? The CCC already exists and is working towards this goal with members everywhere/ You think all those torrents fly out someone's ass? There are people purposefully making sure you can torrent all the info you want.
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    ever gotten burned?

    Nobody who is dumb enough to not know how to use commas is skimming money of 10+k deals. There is no point in trading that much unless you're growing anyway, and then that should involve a long road trip with a planned customer, place, and time. People like you make us all look bad. Killing...
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    ever gotten burned?

    No. Sales behind closed doors only. No retarded shit. Bag on table, money on table. Dealer, customer, no extra people unless they bring weed. Any other way of buying weed is retarded.
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    Typical Fox News on Marijuana

    Saying you're liberal and then denying drug reform is like saying you aren't racist and joining the KKK.
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    ever gotten burned?

    Always try before you buy.
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    mailing weed

    dont use US post, use fedex or UPS and seal it in a PCV tube, seal both ends with plumbers glue, then soak it in lemon juice/alcohol overnight to eat away the smell. optionally insert it into the bottom of a hollowed can of air freshener. Or you could put weed in a bag, leave nor eturn address...