ever gotten burned?


Well-Known Member
yeah thats true. but these kids are soo sneaky and paranoid about everything their so cautionous about their surroundings. and u never know. u could try one thing and think its good but the person gives u a bag of diff stuff
No. Sales behind closed doors only. No retarded shit. Bag on table, money on table. Dealer, customer, no extra people unless they bring weed.

Any other way of buying weed is retarded.


Well-Known Member
yes I have,,,well,,it wasn't my money,,,was procurring 10 pounds of black for 2600 a lb for my Man,,,charged him 2800 a lb,,,so when he gave me 28,000 bucks for it,,,I skimmed 2 G's right off the top,,,gave the money to my g/f at the time as she knew the connection better than I,,,any way,,she lets go of the money,,and the guy walks off into a building,,never to return,,,my Man was pissed,,my g/f wouldn't even come home,,thought we would kill her,,,but,,,my Man having already lost half a mill in a strip bar deal with a partner was all good about and didn't kill me,,so I didn't kill her and all's well that ends well,,,and I still made 2 G's,,pretty good huh,,made 2 G's for losin 28 G's,,,only in Canader,,,ehh!

Keep on Growin

Nobody who is dumb enough to not know how to use commas is skimming money of 10+k deals. There is no point in trading that much unless you're growing anyway, and then that should involve a long road trip with a planned customer, place, and time. People like you make us all look bad. Killing people over weed? fucking please.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
one time, a few years ago in math class.. it was a sophmore class with a few seniors in it. and one day towards the end oft he year my friend had 100$ of his friends money to get weed.. and one of the seniors was like yo i can hook u up.. and my friend gave him the money and since that day the senior NEVER went to that math clas for the rest of the year LMAO

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
No. Sales behind closed doors only. No retarded shit. Bag on table, money on table. Dealer, customer, no extra people unless they bring weed.

Any other way of buying weed is retarded.

yeah i agree with that 100% but the ppl around here arent professional about it their all 16,17,18 years old and most of the time they dont weigh it out infront of you.. you have to ask.


Well-Known Member
i was just bein a lil sarcastic dude,,,no-one was dyin or gonna die,,,,,HoL-EEEeeeee man,,,chill a lil

Keep on Growin


P.S. check any of my posts and see if that ain't the way I type


Well-Known Member
I was fuckin this chick about 5 or so years back. Told me should get get me a fat deal on some buds. Around 600 for a pound. It was actually some straight shit. So I Round up my boys...we put together the money, and I drop it off. She tells me to call back in an hour so I do, and there is no answer. So I blow this bitches phone up for hours...drive over her house...Nothing. I get a call from her "best-friend" telling me I got screwed over, and this is a scam that she runs. This chick was meeting guys, kicking it with them, and eventually scammed them out of money. I could never find her, and trust me we all looked. Turns out though she ended up getting murdered by some guy she scammed quite a bit of money from. So I guess if you live by the sword you die by the sword.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
I was fuckin this chick about 5 or so years back. Told me should get get me a fat deal on some buds. Around 600 for a pound. It was actually some straight shit. So I Round up my boys...we put together the money, and I drop it off. She tells me to call back in an hour so I do, and there is no answer. So I blow this bitches phone up for hours...drive over her house...Nothing. I get a call from her "best-friend" telling me I got screwed over, and this is a scam that she runs. This chick was meeting guys, kicking it with them, and eventually scammed them out of money. I could never find her, and trust me we all looked. Turns out though she ended up getting murdered by some guy she scammed quite a bit of money from. So I guess if you live by the sword you die by the sword.
damn as much as that is fucked up but she had it comming.. she got what she deserved


Well-Known Member
actually this story is what led me to grow. so it was a blessing in disguise...

i went to go pick up a 1/4 from this kid who i didnt know but my friends picked up from him a few times and there was never any problems. so i drove like an hour to go meet him somewhere and i give him my money...big mistake. he says hell be right back but he never showed up. i ended up waiting and calling for about an hour before i dreadfully admitted to myself i just got ripped. i didnt know where he lived cuz he said he lived in this one house which he turned out he didnt. i was fucking furious cuz i have no way of getting a hold of him. but turns out if i did go inside with him (i didnt cuz my gf was with me and she didnt wanna be left alone at 11pm in a shaddy neighborhood) he has this thing he does to people who buy 1/4s fromhim. he takes em to a roomand pulls a gun on you and says hes robbing you and he might give you a g just to keep you quiet.

so fuck dealers. i hate the ones who thing theyre thugs and shit. i know a couple real cool ones but now a days its all about making money.

this one buddy of mine slings and he says he dont care aoiut making money. as long as he breaks even hes happy cuz he just wants to spread GOOD weed around. he says he feels like hes doing a service to the community. i wish all dealers were like this


Well-Known Member
when i was 16 i got jacked for a bowl through the window at my moms house by my girlfriend at the times best friends boyfriend. so i told her i would dump her ass if she didnt help me get back at him, so the next time he couldnt find anything she was like "i can get you some" brought me his fifty bucks and i got myself a bag and ten dumped her like a week later. that was the only time i got burned by a stranger and i came out ahead in the end, my bro had some problems growing up so i got burned a few times with him but he is my bro so i really dont count that, his shit is strait now anyway.


Well-Known Member
oh ya i forgot the time at my other brothers wedding in sweden we got ripped off like fourty euros by some dick we met outside of the mcdonalds there, fucker made us walk halfway around stockholm to rip us off too.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
actually this story is what led me to grow. so it was a blessing in disguise...

i went to go pick up a 1/4 from this kid who i didnt know but my friends picked up from him a few times and there was never any problems. so i drove like an hour to go meet him somewhere and i give him my money...big mistake. he says hell be right back but he never showed up. i ended up waiting and calling for about an hour before i dreadfully admitted to myself i just got ripped. i didnt know where he lived cuz he said he lived in this one house which he turned out he didnt. i was fucking furious cuz i have no way of getting a hold of him. but turns out if i did go inside with him (i didnt cuz my gf was with me and she didnt wanna be left alone at 11pm in a shaddy neighborhood) he has this thing he does to people who buy 1/4s fromhim. he takes em to a roomand pulls a gun on you and says hes robbing you and he might give you a g just to keep you quiet.

so fuck dealers. i hate the ones who thing theyre thugs and shit. i know a couple real cool ones but now a days its all about making money.

this one buddy of mine slings and he says he dont care aoiut making money. as long as he breaks even hes happy cuz he just wants to spread GOOD weed around. he says he feels like hes doing a service to the community. i wish all dealers were like this

yeah i agree with the last paragraph.. a friend of mineeee;).. would only sell to like people he knew and he would always give them alittle more then what they payed for


Well-Known Member
yeah i trust this guy 100% and even when he goes through people he talks them down for me. for example a g of kush where i live goes for 25. and a 1/4 goes for 110. he talked this one guy down to 140 for me for 9 g's it was supposed to be 160. twenty bucks is twenty bucks ill take it :)


Well-Known Member
once i told a kid to give me his weed and id make him budder cookies. i gave em chips ahoy.
another time i told a kid to give me his money and id go pick up the bud and come back, he called me for like 3 hours asking where i was and i kept saying im almost there until he finally figured out i wasnt coming.
and i sold a 1/4th of weak mids for 180 told em it was a half of dank


Well-Known Member
I've never been burned or tried to burn anyone. you don't get burned when your a well known boxer in your town


Well-Known Member
damn as much as that is fucked up but she had it comming.. she got what she deserved
From what I hear she had a "pimp", and he not only collected the money, but also told her which guys to scam. Apparently she'd done this 10's of times in the past, and def had it coming. I'm not one to wish ill things on people...but you're right karma was making it's rounds and she had it coming.

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
From what I hear she had a "pimp", and he not only collected the money, but also told her which guys to scam. Apparently she'd done this 10's of times in the past, and def had it coming. I'm not one to wish ill things on people...but you're right karma was making it's rounds and she had it coming.

yeah.. you can only tourment the tiger in its cage so many times until it breaks out and seeks revenge


Well-Known Member
i had a shotgun put to my neck for an oz when i was a teenager (i was a lil weed dealing thug) but i also sold some shock tarts to some younger kids and said they were acid, so karma is true

Green Monster

Well-Known Member
i had a shotgun put to my neck for an oz when i was a teenager (i was a lil weed dealing thug) but i also sold some shock tarts to some younger kids and said they were acid, so karma is true
haha yeah it is.. and hell if i got a shotgun pulled on me and im a teenager i would shit my pants. haha..depends on the guy tho if i knew he was a bluff then not really


Well-Known Member
yes I have,,,well,,it wasn't my money,,,was procurring 10 pounds of black for 2600 a lb for my Man,,,charged him 2800 a lb,,,so when he gave me 28,000 bucks for it,,,I skimmed 2 G's right off the top,,,gave the money to my g/f at the time as she knew the connection better than I,,,any way,,she lets go of the money,,and the guy walks off into a building,,never to return,,,my Man was pissed,,my g/f wouldn't even come home,,thought we would kill her,,,but,,,my Man having already lost half a mill in a strip bar deal with a partner was all good about and didn't kill me,,so I didn't kill her and all's well that ends well,,,and I still made 2 G's,,pretty good huh,,made 2 G's for losin 28 G's,,,only in Canader,,,ehh!

Keep on Growin

Don't you think you should have given your friend the 2 grand back that you skimmed? WTF kind of friend are you?