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  1. Filla Kinex

    ALMOST busted!

    i wouldnt have opened the door and got rid of the shit. sorry you had to kill the girls but you had no choice. and weather you opened it or not they would have been back with some b.s. warrant! unfortunately i think its in your best interest to move! good job for quick thinking and not getting...
  2. Filla Kinex

    is it poss to get 1 lb from 1 plant?

    i dont care what you do you aint getting 1lb per plant in hydro with a 600! total b.s.
  3. Filla Kinex

    Serious cloning help needed!!!

    use a propagation tray with a lid. presoak your rockwool with a rooting hormone for 24 hours. i usually use a gallon of water for a tray. i make my cuts, say 10 at a time and put them in a cup of water. go back and make your 45 and let soak in the dip n grow for about 45 sec. take a nail and...
  4. Filla Kinex


    Lmao! Bet your right! Thanks!
  5. Filla Kinex


    i dont disagree with what the perception is. im just saying i came here to do what i love and believe in. as far as i was concerned i had broke no laws and was doing everything by the book. some people say im stupid and some say i have iron balls. whatever you want to think, your entitled to...
  6. Filla Kinex


    and my lawyer would say "OBJECTION YOUR HONOR" and its 6 plants per patient. my extra goes to the dispenseries. am i not entitled to make a living. i drive a 69 bug. i dont flaunt or advertise what im doing. it takes a lot of time and money to do this properly as you well know! i have a buisness...
  7. Filla Kinex


    nothing is stated about the stage of growt, your right there. go back to page 2 and 3 of the ruling. In 1996, the California electorate approved Proposition 215 and adopted the CUA, which provides: “Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, and Section 11358, relating to...
  8. Filla Kinex


    bro, only 60 were flowering! over half were seedlings that were 2" tall! so getting back to your formula its 60 divided by to. 6 plants per patient. if you people would just read! come on now!
  9. Filla Kinex

    busted! read it and shut the fk up!
  10. Filla Kinex


    thanks bro!
  11. Filla Kinex


    thanks notoriousb! some of you are so ignorant! im gonna say it one more time........THE SUPREME COURT SAYS IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF MEDICINE OR THE QUANTITY OF PLANTS HE MAY CULTIVATE! and thats with one single card.
  12. Filla Kinex


    yes the duche bag that lived here before me tried to grow! i took his place from the recomendation of my friend at the laoal hydro shop that said i got a guy for you. i had no idea that the fucker was setting up illeagal drug deals on the side. the bottom line is he did not live here and had...
  13. Filla Kinex


    yep he lived here before i moved in. lets say i took his place because he was a lazy bastard. i had no idea what he was doing and to make side money he would do some big deals. 50 - 100 lb at a time. i find this out after i take over. he pissed someone off and who knows wtf happened for sure. i...
  14. Filla Kinex


    yank mate! still no charges filed! fingers crossed!
  15. Filla Kinex

    is 6.0 ph Gud for oceans forest soil

    i like to ph my water between 5.75 and 6.25 im not even getting into the nuts part of this as i know that everybody does it different and it all depends on you strain and genetics!
  16. Filla Kinex

    taking a survey

    let me guess A/C or cool lights? and of course good air flow!
  17. Filla Kinex

    taking a survey

    so you got 6 under each light? i like sunshine too but switched to arora roots! i use humbolt nuts and grow in 5 gal smart pots. i had as many as 72 under 7 lights. i averaged 1/4 lb per. im going to try and grow half as many and see what happens. oh, i used co2 for that! i do things obviosly...
  18. Filla Kinex

    taking a survey

    so i read some posts and respond to some and dont waste my time on others. sometimes my opinions just get bashed! for those of you that have disagreed with some of the things i have said, i want to know what your yields look like. if you grow in soil and use 1000 watt hps you are the ones...
  19. Filla Kinex


    damm sorry to hear that purrrrple! that is why i left idaho. didnt want to do the time! i am saying my prayers for ya bro! as far as the guy on the warrant goes he just used to be a tennant. been gone since nov. they did say they were here for drug sales and he did used to get his hands dirty i...
  20. Filla Kinex

    How to lower ph level of soil?

    absolutely! i said that the first time!