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  1. OutdoughFaSho

    Budding too early?! Should I be concerned?

    Yup definitely starting flower. You have to keep the light cycle over about 12 hours a day to keep them from flowering. I suggest doing some basic research to get a feel for the simple principles of growing this plant.
  2. OutdoughFaSho

    Open Show and Tell 2020

    Some shots from the backyard last year in early September. Looking to go bigger this year, so dug out some holes under the beds and refilled with good soil and 4’ long deep watering tubes, extended the width of the hoop house. For reference, old hoop house was 8’ tall and raised bed is 4x16x1’ tall
  3. OutdoughFaSho

    Moving indoors out?

    Go bigger with containers, much bigger. Do raised beds if possible.
  4. OutdoughFaSho

    Open Show & Tell 2018

    Many years indoor, this is my second year outs, and first legit crack at it. First pic is from almost a month ago, second one is me (6'1") standing in the forest a Week ago.
  5. OutdoughFaSho

    Growing in the desert

    Put them in raised beds if you can, it will keep the roots cooler. Or paint containers white if that's not an option. You can also use shade cloth set up so it shields them from the sun during the peak heat of the day.