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  1. kodak91

    What do you think about these LED's ?

    Sure, im just saying because incorrect readings can lead to incorrect decisions... If you see that chart i posted, it shows that above 2000 lux (~50 pffd) the margin of error in most of this apps is more then 80%.
  2. kodak91

    What do you think about these LED's ?

    Most phone luxmeter apps are extremely inaccurate
  3. kodak91

    What do you think about these LED's ?

    Yes. SamsungLM301H is def worth the money.
  4. kodak91

    need help!

    Right. Between 6.2 and 6.8 is the ideal range. I like to aim for 6.5ph to allow some margin of error.
  5. kodak91

    need help!

    This is a problem! You need to measure ph after adding nutes, not before. The nutes usually lower your ph.
  6. kodak91

    need help!

    What dosage of preventive calmag are you adding? I personally dont like flushing in biobizz soil... Compacts the soil too much and its not good for the micro-life inside it... If you always have this problem, you need to go back to basics and check your environment (messed up RH% might cause...
  7. kodak91

    need help!

    And no, this is also a myth. You dont need to dechlorinate the tapwater.
  8. kodak91

    need help!

    Lots of missinformartion yes. But you do need to check PH. You are not growing organic, mate. Buying and using organic products like biobizz doesnt mean you are growing "organic". You are still feeding the plant through bottled nutes so you should ALWAYS check and adjust the PH. With biobizz if...
  9. kodak91

    How common is pH nutrient lockout in soil?

    How far away is the light and what is ur Temps/RH? That can be light stress and/or messed up VPD that created a calcium deficiency...
  10. kodak91

    What is this?

    @Ayokiwi717 what is the medium and the nutes? You didnt even mention that... Your first pic seems like simply overwatering... imo
  11. kodak91

    need help!

    Its not uncommon to biobizz soil to run out of calcium and magnesium after 4 weeks. Your tapwater might be very soft. What is the ph that you are feeding your plant with? You might be locking out calmag.
  12. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    oh god. Why was it raided tho? Some1 snitched or did u fked up?
  13. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    I agree. The best tasting buds are always organic.. I roughly follow their schedule but everything at 1/4 recommended strength. IMO the recommended is actually the maximum amount.
  14. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    i use the entire biobizz bottle nute line and afaik is 100% organic
  15. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    With organic bottle nutes, i think theres no need to water till run-off. I also water 5-10% pot volume and that works great for me. Some ppl and companies say water 20-30% pot volume but i think thats rly bad... soil becomes too compact and easy to overwater...
  16. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    I was also hoping my android luxmeter app was accurate, but after seeing this article is highly unlikely.
  17. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    @ZenWolf that a look at this:
  18. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    Samsung QB's are the apex of growlighting right now. Love it. Glad you found your answer and didnt gave up. Keep it calm and cool...
  19. kodak91

    I give up, this is not for me...

    i havent read the entire thread, only first page. What was the problem with the plant after all? Personally, from the pics and the way op seems to over-do and over-react, im guessing calcium lockout due to much K-P ferts
  20. kodak91

    Dr. Bruce Bugbee method: NASA technique on Mars etc.

    So thats about 10g/L Dolomite Lime and 0,35g/L Gypsum, right? I rather use perlite since it drains much better, less chance to overwater.