0.0 0.0 My delaer showed me this mix he makes and it is killing me.


Well-Known Member
salvia burns better with butane jet lighters as it has a higher evap rate then bud


Well-Known Member
yah i used shrooms and cid in a comparison to say that its like them 2 condensed into 10 min not the same feeling but intensity is off the charts ive had some INSANE 20x salvia trips

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I bought it from headshops everytime. The first was 10x, then I increased with each dose (20x, 30x, etc). All I did was laugh hysterically and my knees got weak, thats all. Why would you buy salvia from a dealer? lol all they will do is add a surcharge to make some money on it. I tried out of a pipe, out of a water bong, with a lighter, with a torch, etc. nothing.
You've never had a breakthrough dude. You expect the substance to give you something and it gives you the hysterical laughter and weak knees. If you do it right not expecting anything you are accelerated into another dimension, to live with beings for what may seem like weeks. Thats the best I can explain it right now...

but hey BDBandit your avatar just had me and a friend laughing for like 10 minutes. thats exactly how I feel right now! In every way!


Well-Known Member
You've never had a breakthrough dude. You expect the substance to give you something and it gives you the hysterical laughter and weak knees. If you do it right not expecting anything you are accelerated into another dimension, to live with beings for what may seem like weeks. Thats the best I can explain it right now...

but hey BDBandit your avatar just had me and a friend laughing for like 10 minutes. thats exactly how I feel right now! In every way!
so salvia works but only if I don't expect it to work? That's stupid. I've never expected to be thrown into another dimension with faeries and pixies and little goats the talk to me. I never expected anything from it.


Well-Known Member
lol, pretty much, its a realy awesome experience once you sync with salvia.
I also got nothing from it the first few times, now I have a nice hiphigh salvia plant.


Well-Known Member
so salvia works but only if I don't expect it to work? That's stupid. I've never expected to be thrown into another dimension with faeries and pixies and little goats the talk to me. I never expected anything from it.

get 20x purple sticky salvia get a glass bowl get a jet butane lighter put .2 in take a deeep breath in then deeeeeeeep breath out then take a MASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIVE rip of the bowl hold the hit for 30 seconds thennnnnnnnnnn come back and talk to us


Well-Known Member
ive broken through 3 times with this method ill say this the last breakthrough i had i was i able to step back out of hte current reality into this pulsating white and black world and flick my self to the 2nd and first break through i had was a INSANE feeling like the edges of this reality and that onewere like puzzle peices i could snap into and experience for a momentary lapse of time then flick back out felt like hours came back and my girl was like shaking calling my name over and over again i was out for 10 min

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
so salvia works but only if I don't expect it to work? That's stupid. I've never expected to be thrown into another dimension with faeries and pixies and little goats the talk to me. I never expected anything from it.
Who knows how salvia breakthroughs work, really. I was trippin on L last night and tryin my best to explain it lol. Perhaps it's when your ready, or the spirits think your ready. It took me a few times to break through, I've done 50+ trips and probably like 6 or 7 breakthroughs. In my trips I can control my environment, turn it into two dimensions and tap it and watch the world ripple around me. When I break through I smoke a good amount, with a butane torch lighter, holding each hit for 20-25 seconds, one hit after the next with 2-3 breaths (ONLY) between bowls. You may be accellerated into this next dimension before you can exhale. I'm talking out of body experiences.

Once I was projected to a train running through the desert in a land that exists on in another dimension. Pink rolling hills, cotton candy clouds. I stuck my face out of the car and could feel the wind. --- Just shit like that, or going to a place you cant quite identify. You meet people you cant quite describe, and feel a connection as if you've seen a friend you haven't seen in a long time. By the time your trip dissolves in your head it may feel like 20 minutes, or a long period of time (your not trapped it just seems like you've been there a while). In reality it's only 3-5 minutes for the breakthrough and 15 minutes of mixed dimensions (your new world dissolves into the old one and this can be scary at first)

lol, pretty much, its a realy awesome experience once you sync with salvia.
I also got nothing from it the first few times, now I have a nice hiphigh salvia plant.
ive broken through 3 times with this method ill say this the last breakthrough i had i was i able to step back out of hte current reality into this pulsating white and black world and flick my self to the 2nd and first break through i had was a INSANE feeling like the edges of this reality and that onewere like puzzle peices i could snap into and experience for a momentary lapse of time then flick back out felt like hours came back and my girl was like shaking calling my name over and over again i was out for 10 min
Did you like that? It seems interesting to say the least, but not very fun, kind of scary. My trips were always very relaxing and serene. Like a perfect, but small universe existing in another dimension that I get to visit for a little bit.

People reading this thinking about Salvia Divinorum: Don't under estimate salvia just because it is legal. It can and WILL fuck your shit up! Always have a trip sitter, stay in one SAFE place for your trip. Salvia trips are in your head and don't necessarily need visual stimuli.


Well-Known Member
loved it its meditation not trip ive said this over and over its not a party substance its a sit down and think about life substance


Well-Known Member
Salvia trips are in your head and don't necessarily need visual stimuli.
i agreed with everthing accept this... the last visual and auditory input you receive is what the brain uses to produce your momentary breakthrough thats why i try to use it for personal break throughs and better understand of ones self


Well-Known Member
Ah my bad brother :peace:
Haha your good man :D

But there is nothing to describe salvia.. I don't really understand how it couldn't affect people.. It just seems weird, I blew my mind on that stuff off of one hit with a bic lighter in a bong.. I used a torch a couple times, but still the bic worked


Well-Known Member
Did you like that? It seems interesting to say the least, but not very fun, kind of scary. My trips were always very relaxing and serene. Like a perfect, but small universe existing in another dimension that I get to visit for a little bit.

People reading this thinking about Salvia Divinorum: Don't under estimate salvia just because it is legal. It can and WILL fuck your shit up! Always have a trip sitter, stay in one SAFE place for your trip. Salvia trips are in your head and don't necessarily need visual stimuli.
Salvia is not a toy or party drug, and certainly is not supposed to be fun. When the shepardess stepps out of the forrest in her powerfull magnificence, it'll all be worth it for you.
Stay away from extracted salvia...it was never intended to be consumed like that.

Only have a sitter if this person can be guaranteed to sit back quietly and become part of the furniture, no interaction or laughing whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
lol you can use it it the original way with fresh leave but extracted isnt bad at all brother


Well-Known Member
Thing is with enough practice, the plain leaf becomes everybit as powerfull as an extract without all the crazy.