0.5g dried bud every month for each watt u use


Active Member
ok according to the:
Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible

it says we are cheating our selves and are ineffiecient if we not achieving this

for eg i am using 1200w (x2 600) so my grow will take 3 months from start of veg period to cropping so i should be achieving 64 oz i think (maths not my strong point)

i have 17 plants - each one would need to yeild 3.8 oz each on ave

now this is twice what i am hoping for

with the space i have available i think i can squeeze in maybe 25 plants which would mean i only need to yield 2.5 oz per plant !!

still seems a little unrealistic

ok i am suffering from the cold temps a bit at mo and out of 17 plants 4 are very runtish and would have been culled had i more cash at mo so could have bought more seeds than i needed in order to allow for runts

just hoped this was an interesting point and maybe some people had some thoughts on this


Well-Known Member
That g/w thing is under ideal conditions. Space/light efficiency/air/veg time/nutrients etc. have to be dialed in.

But 13 plants from seed flowered when mature under 2-600's should get a decent amount to smoke on while the next crop finishes.

Your results should improve once you know what your strain requires/you tighten up your grow space's efficiency.

Clones would be best IMO.

-Merry Xmas!


Active Member
just wondered if anyone has manged to achieve this .5g each month per watt !?

and yeah B slv 2.0 u r right i have an awful lot of tightening up to do b4 i am close to maxing my output

my plan is to make a small seperate veg room just to veg my germinated seeds in a prop tank for 2 weeks - then allow 1 further week of veg growth b4 i pop em in my large flowering room

i have x4 florencent tube lighting from an old aquarium not sure of wattage 40w tops - but they done good for my current crop

and then phase 3 :D i will buy a more powerful light say 250w just for this veg room and yeah as u say clones will be best so i plan to have 1 or 2 mothers in there - i will save a shit load on seed costs and i will have the fun of what i would call genetic enginering - u know messing around with diff generations and crossing breeds - what i really wanna get into

but for know its more about output and rather depressing as i spent all my cash on this set up and just waiting with everything crossed :P

if only i could fast foward time :D thanx for showing an interest