$0 Grow-MY FIRST TIME!!!


Active Member
hello everyone i\'m new to the site and growing and had some extra bag seeds laying around so i thought, hmmm, what could i produce with things i already had around the house. so i set out looking for anything i could use, i searched my, my mother in law\'s, my parent\'s and grandparent\'s house to find anything i could use for my setup. here\'s what i found/am using and here is how it it going...old fishtank-$0old fishtank light w/bulb cfl ?? watts-$0some old chinese soup containers-$0some of grandpa\'s scott\'s potting soil-$0some lamps-$0grandpa\'s plant food-$0pair of 120w phillips reflectoragro lights-$0some old styrofoam cups-$0a couple of extension cords-$0some latex gloves-$0 tap water (boiled then sat out overnight)-$0some wire hangers-$0a plastic retangular bowl-$0a couple of old paper gatorade cups-$0a roll of electrical tape-$0a roll of aluminum foil-$0so far thats... $0.00!!!!i have about 10-15 bag seeds germinating and so far only 1 has sprouted a taproot. i took the styrofoam cups and shredded it into small peices to help the soil flow. filled up 1 of the chinese food soup containers with the soil and styrofoam mix, then poked a few holes in the bottom section of the container with a nail to help flow. i put the first germinated seed into the container filled w/ soil and poured the boiled tapped water (after it cool down of course) over it until it started to drizzle out of the bottom holes, then placed it into the fishtank (which i had previously lined the 2 sides and back glass with the shiny side out of aluminum foil and secured w/ electrical tape). i then got a couple wire hangers and made 2 supports going across the top of the tank to hold the lights up, electrical taped them down pretty good. then i made 2 wires to hold up the fishtank light, hooked on one end (to go into the mounting spots on the light) and wrapped the other end around the 2 support wires, it now leans at a slight angle but it my opinion it looks like it\'s aiming right for the plant. next i sat the reflectoragro light/lamp on top of the 2 support wires, it did \'\'rest\'\' on top of the wires but i didn\'t feel it was safe enough. so, i made two more cross sections going across the 2 supports. the extra support are hooked at both ends for the reflectoragro then kinda ran the supports right over the lip of the lamp to hold it securely in place. pics do a better job of explaining how i did it and i will keep this thread updated as much as possible with any progress or new info, please no critisism i know this is a ghetto ass, cheap way to do it but i was thinking about how far i could go without spending a dime. so if you have any questions, concerns, comments, or requests either post it or shoot me a pm. let me know what you guys think. ^ or v???pics:front of setup
other side supports
cfl hooks
extra stuff (food, containers, soil ect)
brand new case of plant food. thanks gramps!
scotts potting soil
miracle gro
thanks for looking.