0Calli~~ Critical~Overdrive~2012~1000w~Grow~Session~


Well-Known Member
im gonna do one today acutually gotta move some to bigger pots so i can bury them just added the new 200 w cfl to the box


Well-Known Member
just added the new cfl to the vegg box

a comparrison in size to my new 200w equivalent CFL to regular ones​

the led bulb i rock for cloning​


Well-Known Member
hye man i would get thos cfls closer!! man like an inc a way or two so u max ur light and lumns man trust me ahve u look at my grow they will imporve more


hye man i would get thos cfls closer!! man like an inc a way or two so u max ur light and lumns man trust me ahve u look at my grow they will imporve more
Ocalli knows what hes doin. The plants are still young and those are some big lookin Cflz in there. Dont want to cook them. IMO 2 in. would be good , as long as theres good airflow which i'm sure there is. That 200 watter is awesome... fuckin huge.


Well-Known Member
They are at that distance for a reason i want a lil stretch to happen and they only 2 weeks old and im vegging for a while plus the front of the cab closes and its 100% diamond print mylar coverage plus a fan for airflow they are just fine its obviously not my first grow plus this grow is more than any regular grow a lot of people will find out soon what
hye man i would get thos cfls closer!! Man like an inc a way or two so u max ur light and lumns man trust me ahve u look at my grow they will imporve more


Well-Known Member
no worry man im know that u knwo how to do this and its not ur first but still it just look so far keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
ahah k well im not worrying anymore lol hey man ill be doing 3 plants 350 wtt here my thread check it out i just put the beans in the soil so wish me luck and sub whille u can pce man _-_- geturgrowon-_-


Active Member
Hey man hows it going! Woot more light= more buds! Thats always a good thing. Well just stoppin by to say whats up, hope all is well buddy!


Well-Known Member
HAHAH i love the lil windmills u got in your pots is that for randomness or actually to see the air flow ?


Well-Known Member
HAHAH yea i saw them and instantly thought fuck thats a good idea haha :) gona rep you just for that fact

besides that offtopic shit your plants look super green and healthy excited to see where this goes

kevin murphy

New Member
critical overdrive

