1 1/2 weeks how do they look?

IMG_1739.jpgIMG_1737.jpgFirst time grower , found seeds in sac germinated them and here they are now :) how do they look and what am i dealing with?
MG moister control , old soil from previous misculious plants... direct sunlight all day sun up to sun down , with aluminum refelecting from the base
well , im just saying the aluminum is extra , it gets full sun light all day every day haha :) thanks and i sure will can u tell anything from the plant yet?

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
well , im just saying the aluminum is extra , it gets full sun light all day every day haha :) thanks and i sure will can u tell anything from the plant yet?
not much really, other than it looks like a nice healthy seedling.. perky looking.. only means shes loving the sun


haha Mine are 2 weeks old and im using MG to,with some fert nutes like tomatoes,coffee grinds egg shells etc, but with the horrible rain here in Florida they haven't gotten a good 5 hours of sun in 4 days! but my green thumb is keeping them alive :) anyways good luck son!


Active Member
FYI being outside in sac, your plants are going to flower as soon as they can which will be in a week or 2 maybe... which'll give you about 3-4 grams of bud