1 1000watt 4x4 tent or 6x6


Active Member
What would you go with? Using a dwc system how many plants would u try and get in there? First grow plan to upgrade to bigger tent and get more lights after first grow. Would it be smarter to get a smaller tent to start and use the 1000 watt system or get a big tent and still use the 1000w system. I figured the smaller could later be used for a veg tent and have 2 tents going.

What yield diff would I see from a 1000w single light system in a 6x6 or a 4x4, would the smaller area yield more due to better coverage or would the lArge argue because I could get more plants in there. Could be a dumb ? But sorry I'm new! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
i'm burning a 1000hps in a 4x4 closet, when i rebuild i'll have at least a 6x6.


Active Member
A single 1000w light wont fully cover a 6x6 area. That being said and since its your first grow, go with the 6x6 just because you can expand in it later. Grow in a 4x4 or 5x5 area inside the tent at max. You can spread your plants out more in a 6x6 so that you get some more light to your lower foliage than you would with a bunch of plants huddled together in a 4x4

You'll barely notice a difference in yield between the 4x4 with clustered plants to a 6x6 with more spaced out ones. Your yield is based more on the wattage of your lights than it is on the number of plants you're growing.


Well-Known Member
A single 1000w light wont fully cover a 6x6 area. That being said and since its your first grow, go with the 6x6 just because you can expand in it later. Grow in a 4x4 or 5x5 area inside the tent at max. You can spread your plants out more in a 6x6 so that you get some more light to your lower foliage than you would with a bunch of plants huddled together in a 4x4

You'll barely notice a difference in yield between the 4x4 with clustered plants to a 6x6 with more spaced out ones. Your yield is based more on the wattage of your lights than it is on the number of plants you're growing.

lol@you will barely notice a difference in yield