Well-Known Member
OK, so I've never entirely grown hydro I had a little system I built a few months ago that seemed to work very well but I was having algae problems and being such a newb to hydro quickly ditched the system tore it apart and put the plants back in soil (vegged in hydro system for probably 2 weeks) anyways, I have some vermicompost going which I plan on switching to permanently but in the meantime I decided to build a hydro system and do a run for fun to get me by untill soils done. Now please help guide me in this, I have a brand new 1/20 hp dayton blower Ive had sitting around for a couple years now could I theoretically attatch that to my system and run air lines around the resevoir/roots for constant fresh oxygen and run my pump constantly? Or am I completely thinking of this wrong. I am no hydro expert, but I love making things which is half the reason I'm doing this hydro run so I can build something useful with spare parts laying around.