1/3 of plants in Crop are turning pale, others doing fine?


New Member

Lighting- 4 (600W @ 75% intensity) @ appx 18" from tops
Soil- Black gold natural and organic
Pot- 1 gallon mad farmer pouches
Nutes- Roots organic 6-7 part
Climate- 78 temp, 45-50% RH w proper ventialtion
Water- Dispenses 'RO' 5 gallon jugs.
Ph IN- 6.8-7 but did slip up and hit them with something around 7.5-7.7 once, but flushed.
Cycle- Veg for 2.5 weeks under MH, switched to HPS and have been flowering for 9 days.
Strain- Block head

Info- So I have a sea of green grow going at the moment and have had issues with some of my plants from the get go while others have flourished. As I get more into flower certain plants are looking more and more pale.. Even more so after I flushed due to a slip up in a high ph feeding. Ive never fed more than 75% strength on the organic nutes, I feel as if i have a solid grasp on over and under watering, my climate control is solid, and i pay a HELL of a lot of attention to my girls and shit like this breaks my heart. Same thing happened last time to me and the plants finished out but lacked yield, while others did fine.

Like i said Ive noticed about 1/3 of my plants just lacking overall vigor. The paleness would come about in veg also but would darken back up with a N feed.

This peat moss based soil had been sitting for 4 months, but my run-off is around 6.6 for the most part.

Picture shows one of the worst looking plants next to one doin great.
I dont get it, it hurts my head and hurts my heart bad.

Please help. Much appreciated
Pic one is THIS grow
Pic 2 is LAST grow where same thing happened but closer to 3 weeks in..



New Member
Side Note- I have other plants Master Kush and Hawaii 5-0 In veg, under CFL, (was) receiving same nutes as the blockhead for 3 weeks, BUT these are in Happy Frog from FF and are lush lush green and thriving...


Well-Known Member
every plant has a different personality even from the same strain.
IMO- She looks pale, like she needs more (n) if you flushed your soil you removed the nutrients from the soil.
pH is okay? Plant size to pot size, IMO- she could be root bound. She's flowering so it's sorta late in the game to be transplanting to a bigger pot.

There are other deficiency's that will make your plant turn pale, like yours, you should take a closer picture so we can see the leaves better.
Before you bump up the (N). make sure it is a (N) deficiency.


I have the exact same thing going on.. weird. I'm using FF ocean forest and their nutes as well. I do think it is a lack of nitrogen. Could it have something to do with using RO water?? Do you add calmag to your RO?


New Member
I have the exact same thing going on.. weird. I'm using FF ocean forest and their nutes as well. I do think it is a lack of nitrogen. Could it have something to do with using RO water?? Do you add calmag to your RO?

To the first guy who responded thankyou, and I will take a shot with my DSLR when they are awake tonight.

Treesforme- I have NOT been adding calMAg but bought a bottle two days ago as this problem has escalated and will be feeding with a light dose as soon as they need water again (still rather wet from the flush). I did my first few grows with the exact same set up you are running the FFOF and 6 part FF nute line (3 liquid and 3 soluble), knew way less than I do now, payed less attention to detail and had zero issues in with respect to nutes, lockout, ph etc. ONly thing I could suggest for you is that the FFOF is a pretty hot soil, and if you are feeding anything over %50 strength they may be locking out on you.

Good luck brotha.. Any more insight on The RO and cal mag talk? odd to not be seeing this happening in all my girls, just a handful.


I would definitely replace youre cal and mag if youre using RO. That mag def picture looked awesome. The pic of the shit plant next to the awesome one.. your awesome plant looked like it was a bit overwatered. Flush.. let your soil dry out a bit more between feedings.. and go with some calmag.



New Member
THankyou so much everyone, The MAg def is what i was kinda thinking all along. Shoulda gone with my gut, ill let you all know how it works. Much love.


Active Member
Small plant needs more nitrogen. Taller plant is getting to much nitrogen. Are they the same strain? Some, especially sativa strong hybrids enjoy less nitrogen.


New Member
Ive been feeding with roots organics nutes since the beginning but not specifically adding extra N.. Ya, same strain (blockhead) planted same day and treated the same also. Everything started out fine then some started to pale up.. now more are turning. fed with Cal MaG last night. Hoping for some drastic change in the next 3-4 days