1.5 Lbs a plant

Sorry guys I dont pay 100% to this website. I belong to 3 Forums too. This is turnung into a full time job. But yes I have posted this on other websites and forums along with roll it up. Im new to roll it up, but long term medical user.
Thanks guys.
Sorry guys I dont pay 100% to this website. I belong to 3 Forums too. This is turnung into a full time job. But yes I have posted this on other websites and forums along with roll it up. Im new to roll it up, but long term medical user.
Thanks guys.
soo its real right? like you grew it? some ppl on here callin bs...im not just wanna know if its yours or not becuz im curious how often you must water such a big plant in such a small pot...
I laugh at your little measly 1.5 lbs photoshop wanna be.....look at this multi pounderkiss-ass:peace: Makes your plant look like a dwarf:mrgreen::mrgreen:

catpiss can you post more pics and maybe a close up? and maybe your method u used to grow this im just trying to get an idea of how you did it so maybe other people can produce monsters like that well hope to see some more
i dont know about you guys but my cock is 11 inches long.

ps where can i find a suped up version of photoshop?
wouldnt it be kool if you had a huge house where you could veg a 10 foot tall plant,with sun light from skylight and hps and mh then you budded it with like 10000 watt supplemental light on top of natural sunlight coming in from a huge skylight. All in a huge hydroponic system and making the worlds largest indoor plant evaaaaaaaaa.
who u refering to ?
hes referring to me...when I said I didnt know what he was talking about, he thought I meant I literally didn't know what he was talking about, I meant I didnt know why he was just spouting dumb shit saying people were hating and what not...anyways he makes himself look like an idiot.
i think im gonna unsubscribe. this is obviouslly bullshit. i mean the guy didnt even have a fucking point to make other than show off his pic which he cannot produce any other pics of.
i think im gonna unsubscribe. this is obviouslly bullshit. i mean the guy didnt even have a fucking point to make other than show off his pic which he cannot produce any other pics of.
well according to "bonghits4all", we are all just a bunch of haters that are "jellous"...lmfao
you guys are dicks lol. let the poor guy show off his plant. if it's fake then he shall be led through the town square and beaten with reeds... we all saw it when we signed up.
lol does that mean full of jell?

no the fake is the plant you posted under your other screen name. the palnt that has only one pic from one angle
lol does that mean full of jell?

no the fake is the plant you posted under your other screen name. the palnt that has only one pic from one angle
other screen name????????? like you arrogant little pipsqueeks are important enough for me to go through all that work lol
while we are just bullshitting i want to bring something up thats been bothering me/ this link is for example you dont have to watch it Playback 54 - Playback - Yahoo! Games

okay, headline is something like this== video game gets some heat man. then they reporter is all like they did this but uhoh now there is some backlash from some christian bloggers.

wtf?? really, this is a story? is any blogger really considered "backlash" who the fuck cares about bloggers. isnt a blog just a word they made up to mean journal? or like columnist without all the professional standards? oh no some bloggers, i guess ill have to leave the country now. assume anew identity, stay off the grid where the bloggers cant find me.