1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

What could be wrong with my plant? :-( It has been growing for a month and a half now in miracle gro organic with some perlite mixed in it. I water it manually when the soil is dry. And it is under 4 CFLs 23W and one LED panel 45W. TImer is set on an 18/6 schedule. Im worried this is a waste of time.
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Active Member
Picture 015.jpgThis was a bathtub clone cab. It should do fine for your purpose if you have one in a spare bathroom. No need for mylar, or foil bulshit.
looks like heat stress to me, why you growing it in there with some foil? whats the point? Put it on a 24 hr light. That led should be fine. place it dir over the plant. dont worry so much about surrounding it with a bunch of shit. Place it in a spare bathroom if you have one just fit some plywood over the tub and use the shower stall as the cab hang the light on the curtain rod position it over the plant and put in a clip on fan to provide a little air flow. You should do better.


Well-Known Member
A month and a half, wow! Are you using any nutrients at all or relying on the nutes present in the soil. If so, thats not gonna cut it.


Well-Known Member
What could be wrong with my plant? :-( It has been growing for a month and a half now in miracle gro organic with some perlite mixed in it. I water it manually when the soil is dry. And it is under 4 CFLs 23W and one LED panel 45W. TImer is set on an 18/6 schedule. Im worried this is a waste of time.
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photo%201.jpgphoto%202.jpgphoto%203.jpgOk now I can see..lol

Looks like too much heat, and you're watering the stem aren't you, water towards the outside, this will help the roots to grow...and I would take the reflector off (until they're bigger) to cut down on heat stress...and, it's a big pot, those roots have to fill it up before you have growth above ground...just chill she'll take of in a week or so and you won't be able to keep up..:hump:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2586279View attachment 2586282View attachment 2586283Ok now I can see..lol

Looks like too much heat, and you're watering the stem aren't you, water towards the outside, this will help the roots to grow...and I would take the reflector off (until they're bigger) to cut down on heat stress...and, it's a big pot, those roots have to fill it up before you have growth above ground...just chill she'll take of in a week or so and you won't be able to keep up..:hump:
And when you start nutes (which you should) make them 1/4 strength and work up to full by 4 weeks...good luck man..
How far are your CFLs?
The two reflectors are approx. 3 in away and bulbs about 4-5in.

View attachment 2586276This was a bathtub clone cab. It should do fine for your purpose if you have one in a spare bathroom. No need for mylar, or foil bulshit.
looks like heat stress to me, why you growing it in there with some foil? whats the point? Put it on a 24 hr light. That led should be fine. place it dir over the plant. dont worry so much about surrounding it with a bunch of shit. Place it in a spare bathroom if you have one just fit some plywood over the tub and use the shower stall as the cab hang the light on the curtain rod position it over the plant and put in a clip on fan to provide a little air flow. You should do better.
I have a spare bathroom that never gets used. And that foil is actually from a sun chips bag i turned inside out hoping itll help reflect the most light. My problem seems to be nearness of bulbs to plant and I should put all four CFLs 3 in close to the plants. Thats probably the solution. But theres a problem theres not outlet that I can run a secret cord from. This is my sis closet it gets very cold at night altough we have a vent that heats it up (70-75 deg. F.) At night. Day temps are 80 deg. F. I read ideally it should be 76 deg. My temps fluctuate a lot. Its March and still cold outside (flurries.)

A month and a half, wow! Are you using any nutrients at all or relying on the nutes present in the soil. If so, thats not gonna cut it.
I am not using any nutrients. I believe the soil should provide enough nutirents until the plant grows bigger.

And when you start nutes (which you should) make them 1/4 strength and work up to full by 4 weeks...good luck man..
I dont know what nutrients to put in the soil. Gonna have to start researching that. Thanks though.


Well-Known Member
Hey man before all my lights came in I ran it under an old ass floro during the night, but every day I took her outside. She loves outside. Try that. =)

And get a cheap $5 fan from walmart man, they work great and will fatten up that stem quickly =)


Well-Known Member
The two reflectors are approx. 3 in away and bulbs about 4-5in.

I have a spare bathroom that never gets used. And that foil is actually from a sun chips bag i turned inside out hoping itll help reflect the most light. My problem seems to be nearness of bulbs to plant and I should put all four CFLs 3 in close to the plants. Thats probably the solution. But theres a problem theres not outlet that I can run a secret cord from. This is my sis closet it gets very cold at night altough we have a vent that heats it up (70-75 deg. F.) At night. Day temps are 80 deg. F. I read ideally it should be 76 deg. My temps fluctuate a lot. Its March and still cold outside (flurries.)

I am not using any nutrients. I believe the soil should provide enough nutirents until the plant grows bigger.

I dont know what nutrients to put in the soil. Gonna have to start researching that. Thanks though.
I use MG House Plant food 8-7-6 mixed with MG Cactus plant food 2-7-7- and some cal-mag, all in MG soil...

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Well-Known Member
i think 10 day old seedlings should look like those plants you got op. you stunted them severly somehow.
Just an update of my revised lighting.
*removed reflectors
*inched the CFLs closer
*Need two more socket cords to extend the higher CFLs (2 of em not in picture) lower
*Hung LED panel at a near distance to plant to help with broader spectrum
*Moved fans under the plant to push air upwards and circulate it
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg
i think 10 day old seedlings should look like those plants you got op. you stunted them severly somehow.
You think if I transplant this outdoors and let the sun do all the work it will help? And as far as stunting when I first planted this in a dixie cup i let it grow for a few days and then added a 45W LED panel 6in above the plant. I had no circulation or CFLS for a good 3 weeks until I changed everything up. Maybe thats the cause. All I know is Im trying to nurture this baby until it is strong and big.


Well-Known Member
if your interested in putting it outdoors you need to start of slowly just a few hours in the morning then gradually work it up from there.


Well-Known Member
Note MG organic uses a bunch of bark chit now..last year they didn't. PH goes to hell.
if your interested in putting it outdoors you need to start of slowly just a few hours in the morning then gradually work it up from there.
Okay man thanks I was wondering how to do that!

Note MG organic uses a bunch of bark chit now..last year they didn't. PH goes to hell.
YES! I noticed the bark in my soil. I should probably transplant it in new soil as well?


Well-Known Member
If you have any hydroponic stores in your area, I would highly recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil as would almost any other grower in these forums.. You see FFOF all over the place here and the shit kicks ass to say the very least, about 15 bucks for a 10 gallon bag and I promise you will have some nice healthy looking plants without having to feed for about 2 months. I don't feed my plants shit until I start seeing deficiencies which is about 2 months in almost every time for me.. Over winter I put my plants in a small grow box I built under a 50 watt LED panel overnight and every morning right into the natural sun to give em an extra boost, sun has the broadest spectrum you can get so it will never hurt.. Also if you are interested, toss the plant you have because its obviously not doing much and start out a couple more seeds in a party cup, its the perfect size for seedlings and easy to transplant from because you can lightly squeeze the walls of the cup so the root ball will come out easily, then you simply plop that root ball into its final home. Just my two cents brutha, happy growing


Well-Known Member
I'm using Ocean Forest too now. Did last run with MG organic as it was free but it was the old style before all the bark.


Well-Known Member
Also if you are interested, toss the plant you have because its obviously not doing much and start out a couple more seeds in a party cup, its the perfect size for seedlings and easy to transplant from because you can lightly squeeze the walls of the cup so the root ball will come out easily, then you simply plop that root ball into its final home. Just my two cents brutha, happy growing
This. Just start over if you've got more seeds. You'll be kicking yourself for waiting so long when you see how quickly the replacement plant supercedes that size...


Active Member
Keep the plant. It's better to learn about your cultivation weaknesses by finding problems and fixing them. Plus it's more satisfying to watch the plant suddenly take off. My 2c.


Well-Known Member
Keep the plant. It's better to learn about your cultivation weaknesses by finding problems and fixing them. Plus it's more satisfying to watch the plant suddenly take off. My 2c.
Definitely, but I would also start some more seeds.. The more the merrier