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Today I found 1 tiny orange spider on top of the water splitter in the grow room. I assume this was a spider mite. I killed it immediately as I didn't want the little fucker to escape, so i have no pics. I have searched the room high and low but can't find any more or any signs of more other than the tiniest amount of webbing in the plant pot but not touching the plant at all, was right on.the side of the pot. I have 5 fans in the room (3 above and 2 below the canopy) I have defoled today and no signs of them being on the plant at all. I searched through the leaves to see if I could find any but there was nothing. I assume the 5 fans would make it too hard to breed or do I need to be concerned? I also found one of these flying around the space..... is it of any worry?