1 million dollar grow op caught ..look where it was bein grown lol


Well-Known Member
lmfao thank you for sharing that when the news anchors start joking about buying weed and how some people were sad that it got found and they didnt find it first and the record amount of food court sales... and the woman anchor was like "maybe i can buy some marijuana" and there all laughing non shcalantly lmao awesome, JUST awesome


Well-Known Member
oh shit no way, that's so crazy...I always walk around places and wonder if I'm around a grow. especially where I live, walking in the woods I always expect to see some plants.


Well-Known Member
lol this is funny. I was wondering if people do this. Like someone who owns a big business building having a few plants growing, no one would really suspect it, or notice a power increase because its a large building.