1 minute on, 15 minutes off


Active Member

Just got my new DIY cloner and tent built, and currently testing the setup using basil clones, and a few seedlings.

Its a 2x2x3 panda film/pvc tent
small fan for air flow
PC fan for exhaust
Plenty of roots now on the basil clones and seedlings (aero)

Anyways i have been experimenting with the ArtDNE adjustable recycle timer, playing with
the different on/off times, mainly using 1 minute on however.

I noticed that even with 1 minute on, and 15 minutes off, all the plant's roots have plenty
of water still on them. Even a little droplet on the end of each root.

My reason for watering like this was because my clones and seedlings looked over watered,
so i started lengthening the off time.

The seedlings look good, but the larger basil clones still look over watered...

Should i consider an even longer off time? How can people water for 1 on 5 off and have good results?

I must be doing something wrong!