1 month grow


Well-Known Member
it all depends on lighting and climate conditions, as well as the strain of the plant. here's some pics of my current plants at about 5 weeks (2 weeks flower):



Active Member
how did u distinguish the sex of the plant after one and half weeks? im abit confused even if u flowered from seed im pretty sure u cant see the sex til a bit longer than that

the plants in the background look more than a month old


Well-Known Member
you should tin foil the walls of your room majek to reflect light angle it up at the bottom so the light bounces back up under the leaves too... or stick a light in between the plants, nothing fancy a spiral one will do trust me your girls will love you


Well-Known Member
you should tin foil the walls of your room majek to reflect light angle it up at the bottom so the light bounces back up under the leaves too... or stick a light in between the plants, nothing fancy a spiral one will do trust me your girls will love you
^^^ and people who dont know what they are talking about should not give advice!! That will burn your plants!! NEVER USE TIN FOIL!! Use mylar!


Active Member
you should tin foil the walls of your room majek to reflect light angle it up at the bottom so the light bounces back up under the leaves too... or stick a light in between the plants, nothing fancy a spiral one will do trust me your girls will love you

yeh dnt use the tin foil, use white paint if u doin this cheap way,
get mylar if u got the moolar.

and JN its a week and half that plant


Well-Known Member
I wasn't referring to your plant, I was referring to the SmokeSomething. I noticed thats his avatar now and not an attatched picture. I dont know if thats the plant thats a month old. yours looked fine for a week and a half. To bad about it being a male though :(


Well-Known Member
no tin foil but i found mylar backed wrapping paper at the dollar store $1 for 4 ft x 30 inches.here is a pic of how it looks ,these where seeds on 10/10 i just got a light so i was on cfl's and t12's a week ago.



Well-Known Member
it looks funny but seems to work this is my first time growing and i have no money to invest.here are the 6 i got from free seeds my buddy had some nice purple stuff.3 got big 3 did not ,i'm not sure if male or not so after i got a mh light i bought 10 clones,,damn pics take a long time to post here.



Active Member
its nt my plant it was texicans, but i see wat u mean now, i still dont understand how he determined sex after a week n half from seed,( texican that is) it takes longer than that if u flower from seed. tru bout the mylar flat white surfaces are more reflective than anything u can buy except mylar, the wrapping paper stuff has more of a mirror effect so can still cause hot spots. if u using cfls tho i wouldnt worry, more of a prob wen using HIDs.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks i'll get a piece of Sheetrock, paint it white and put all the plants on that.i have a big room should i box them in with white sheetrock or leave it more open for air to move around?


Active Member
yeh id leave it open within reason,
reflective materials are a minor part of wat ur light does, so thats the important thing keep em as close to the light as u possibly can without causing any problems


The picture was taken sometime back in July-August. Since it was from seed, it took a little longer than normal to fully mature. I never said I determined it's sex at a week and a half old.

The plants in the black 1 gallon pots are just about one month old.

Texicans.? Is this meant to be an insult?

The second picture was taken the day my plant was determined to be a male. 11 days after switching to 12/12. It is the plant furthest to the left in the black pot. You can not see the male flowers, but I assure you, he had balls.



Active Member
haha, soz mate, no insult.
wen i saw the pic u posted i presumed it was the thread starters pic without looking back at the top.
this thread has moved so far away from the original question, just gt confused,
soz bro, bit blazed last nite.

heres sum rep for the mistake

and nice looking plants,respect



haha, soz mate, no insult.
wen i saw the pic u posted i presumed it was the thread starters pic without looking back at the top.
this thread has moved so far away from the original question, just gt confused,
soz bro, bit blazed last nite.

heres sum rep for the mistake

and nice looking plants,respect

Thanks for taking the time to clear the confusion up. We cool. I too will admit I was a bit blazed when originally replying to this thread. I thought it said '1 week old', when it said "one month old". It was not until responding to your post did I realize I was in the wrong, and worked quickly to fix it by posting up the one month old grow. Sorry. Thanks for the rep tho; it is my first :-) .. Good luck and see you around.