1 Month In- Now the million dollar question- male or female?


Active Member
I started this plant 1 month ago to the day. Due to time and space restraints, I started flowering after only 20 days since it sprouted. It's been on 12/12 now for its 6th day and Im wondering if its showing its sex yet.

All my plants pretty much look the same, so I'm assuming what I'm looking at is just part of a new leaf starting.

Maybe someone else would know for sure. Thanks for the help.



Active Member
Thats what I was thinking... Besides that, does it look like a good, healthy plant for being 30 days old? It's under CFL's.


Well-Known Member
How many cfls you got? I don't see any in the pics. You want the cfls to be really close to the plant. Surround the plant with lots of 23 W cfls that are 1-3 in from the plant.

You want as much light as possible for flowering so you get some thick buds.