1 month into flowering, what is wrong?


Active Member
I know this should probably be in the plant problem section but there are way more people viewing this forum and I need help asap. My plants were looking great and everything was fine and then I left for the weekend and when I came home one of my plants looked terrible. I was thinking it might have burnt from my light being too close, but I have 4 other plants that look fine so Im not sure. Any advice on what is wrong would be great.



Well-Known Member
it's either lacking nutes, or is nute burn, you should have a good idea of which one.


Active Member
I've been giving it tiger bloom at about half the reccomended dose every other watering and some molasses every few waterings. I was just confused because it was only the top of one plant and all the rest of the plants are fine. Should I be giving it more of the tiger bloom or less?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, try going one way or the other, trial and error is usually the only way to know for sure.

I'd try a little less first.


Well-Known Member
That looks like light burn to me. Some plants are more sensitive to heat than others. I did the same thing, burned one, the rest were fine. If it is light burn it will heal up and keep going.


Active Member
Ive been checking the ph everytime I water so I dont think its that, but Im pretty sure Someguy and JAy_normous are right. The only plant that was effected was the plant that was closest to the light. I raised the light about 10 inches so hopefully the heat was the problem and nothing else. Thanks for the help guys.