1 month old clones.. Droppy stems/leaves.

MMJ Patient

Before everyone jumps on overwatering let me just say that I have been watering every other day as normal (nutes every other) Well I was gone for 4 days and had someone water my plants. He says he only watered once and I don't have any reason not to believe him. So here they are any and all help is appreciated!

Here they are



Active Member
arestems soft or still rigid also they need new larger pot now ,do u get run off least 10% prevent salts building up n remove plants own waste by produts y do u water every 2day r u using hesi by anychance (they use 200ml every other day thats y i ask) plants looks good slight tip burn 50ppm over plants needs if u get run off 10% or more some strains r sensetive to nutes but id say ur just lacking 02 in rootzone quick fix 3%hydrogen peroxide 30ml/gal if u hsve no h202 drench medium untill 20% runoff n ur back on track

MMJ Patient

Yes stems are very soft. But a the more im looking at the more im realizing that although im watering every other day im still way dry. My moisture meter is reading 0.0 which is not good and very interesting. Maybe my friend didnt know about a 10-20% run off.. And do you still think i should get new pots. Plants are into flowering now (day 5). Thanks man!

MMJ Patient

Yep I did at about 11 this morning and they are already back to normal.. I dont know why i posted here before using my moisture meter.. But I was told they were watered last night (apparently meant two nights ago) Thanks for looking guys I appreciated it! Heres some current pictures and you can obviously see the drastic difference.


MMJ Patient

I also trimmed away all the small stems and leaves and anything damaged. Thats why they look a lot less bushy as well.


Active Member
a bigger pot holds more mosture n nutes in greater amounts plus less chance major salt buildup in bigger pot but this is down side 1gal pot 4 gal leach 4gal pot 16 gal leach use this to pick right pot for ur needs 1gal for every month grown good rule