1 month old


Well-Known Member
well limited space and the fact that the plant can triple in size during flowering..im planning on flowering for a few months..soo i can get good bud..all these plants had a bad fungus and were about to die..there looking really good..i also just planted to more seeds..im going to do 12/12 for seed..i heard it works well sometimes


Well-Known Member
well limited space and the fact that the plant can triple in size during flowering..im planning on flowering for a few months..soo i can get good bud..all these plants had a bad fungus and were about to die..there looking really good..i also just planted to more seeds..im going to do 12/12 for seed..i heard it works well sometimes
I have seen some quite reasonable results from 12/12 from seed. For the record, next time don't plant more than 1 in a pot unless you're going to separate the roots with something. Roots getting tangled can cause all sorts of problems and can make removing after sexing rather difficult. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
ohh yea when i planted them i didnt know what i was doing..and i have another question..when is an ideal time for cloning


Well-Known Member
At least 1 month old though I recommend 2. If you clone them when the mother is more mature you can flower once they've rooted. Make sure you clone them before you put them into flower, i.e., whilst they are vegging. Never remove more than 1/3 of the branches at any one time.


Well-Known Member
looking nice so your flowering now
dew to not enough spaces thats cool thow youll injoy
it lol keep eveyone posted >_<
good luck


Well-Known Member
its only been a week...i kno i can def put them back in veg state..they are tiny due to the lights..they had 3 13 watt bulbs at the beggining..now i have 6 lights..so they have grown a little faster..they are also small due to the fungus they had and they were all transplanted..what do you guys think..should i keep them in veg..or continue flowering


Well-Known Member
its only been a week...i kno i can def put them back in veg state..they are tiny due to the lights..they had 3 13 watt bulbs at the beggining..now i have 6 lights..so they have grown a little faster..they are also small due to the fungus they had and they were all transplanted..what do you guys think..should i keep them in veg..or continue flowering
veg, veg, veg...


Well-Known Member
ok i will..for how long do you think..2 weeks..and when should i clone..i want to clone females not males..soo idk


Well-Known Member
veg for a few weeks then go to 12/12 and watch for sex. After preflowers and sexing, you can revert to veg to clone the verified girls....


Well-Known Member
cloning is better from the LOWER branches. They will root much better than the top branches. RIU has great advice under the growFAQ header. Check it out.


Well-Known Member
The best to clone are the bottom branches...they recover faster and grow roots faster...although you can do the top as well...never take more than 1/3 of the mother...watch some videos about cloning on youtube...that really helped me to get it. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
well if you want a bigger yield vegging would benefit you due to it having more area to produce buds. otherwise it really won't matter it'll flower just like any other bud just won't be as much. and i'm growing a plant with only a 75 watt bulb.....this is gonna be an experiment lol good luck