1 Month

So this is my first outdoor grow and i just planted a few seeds around a month ago for the hell of it, I then went on vaca and just got back. Only one survived (more than I could hope for) and now i wanna do all i can to maximize its potential. Unfortunatly the soils not that good, I don't know how much water its gotten, and right now its very long, weak stem, few leaves. I need advice on how to make my own soil, strengthen the stem, and when to transplant. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Just get organic peat moss and mix it with a lot of perlite (all those white rocks you see in everyones soil) to help improve airation so the water can drain through easily and some dolomite lime to stabilize the pH. Transplant as soon as you can but bury that stem up to the leaves and it will turn in to roots so the existing stem is very small and the nodes can grow tighter together. This should help improve growth alot
Thanks for the quick reply man. Can you get dolomite lime at hardware stores like lowes and home depot? You don't think its too weak and young to transplant? And it gets a lot more than 6 so no worries there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply man. Can you get dolomite lime at hardware stores like lowes and home depot? You don't think its too weak and young to transplant? And it gets a lot more than 6 so no worries there.
you will be fine transplanting as long as you don't damage the rootball.....also just call around for the dolomite lime....I know Ace Hardware sells "garden lime"


Well-Known Member
Just be careful when you transplant and you should be fine. Almost the same as planting a germed seed, just gotta be a little more cautious


Well-Known Member
yeah transplanting is easy. just make cut a piece of cardboard to the width of the pot. then slit that circle halfway down the middle.....slide the cardboard on top of the pot so it is around the plant and flip that bitch upside down.


Well-Known Member
Woah! Thats innovation right there haha ive never heard anyone do that before, gonna try that for sure next time +repp!