1 n 1/2 week seedlings, help or advice please, first grow


Active Member
hi everyone,

and thanks for takin time to read my post.

i germinated 30 big buddha blue cheese in paper towels, 23 germinated. i planted these in rokwool with mineral water and ph it down to 6.0. i put them under a 150 watt lightbulb(normal 1s) and kept the propagation unit under 3ft under. i understand this was the mistake i made, because the streched like skinny lanky legs.

i bought a cfl and some support so they could stand, but still half of them are strong stemd from the bottom but get skinnier and weaker towards/ underneath the leafs which makes them dangle like theyv had enough. temps is between 65-75 celcius. and they have a fan now.

i gave them bit of nutrients, ph 6.2 and washd down the rockwool. they look a bit better now, but the dangly skinny stemd ones not improving much. one seedling has a bit of yellowin on the one of the leaves. is there anyway to strenthen the skinny dangle ones as they got far to strechted?

i know im going wrong somwhere but cant pinpoint as to what it is.

will post pics once taken.



Well-Known Member
2 of mine done the same thing.all i did was stick a chopstick next to it to hold it up and put a fan on it.now the stem is thick as and can support itself.my problem was the light was to far away and i had no fan.i got a fan and dropped the light and all is good now.


Well-Known Member
You don't have enough light. You have over 20seedlings trying to use 1cfl for their photosynthesis process. You have to give enough light for all of them to thrive under. The more lughtthey have the more cells they can make within their stems & leaves.
The fan is supposed to bruise the stem & make the plant heal to the point where it grows an imune to the "wind" wich in other words mean a thick hardy stem. This cannot happen if the plant doesn't have enough light to get the photosynthesis process going strong the plant needs alot of light so she can make sugars for her to use to heal herself. Other wise the fan is only a bother to her.
The stick is a good move now improve your lighting. I only have 1 plant & I am using 6 300watt equivalent compact florescents. They completely cover my girl in light. Make sure the cfl your using is a kelvin value of 6500k for vegging. & 2700k for flowering. These are the perfect light spectrums for your plant to use.


Well-Known Member
You need more light
Light needs to be closer
Don't feed seedlings nutrients, they don't need it.
Oh and if your temp range is between 65-75 Celsius you need to lower it, I hope you meant Fahrenheit.


Active Member
2 of mine done the same thing.all i did was stick a chopstick next to it to hold it up and put a fan on it.now the stem is thick as and can support itself.my problem was the light was to far away and i had no fan.i got a fan and dropped the light and all is good now.
good to hear u got them goin again. gna get more lighting to see if thats works


Active Member
You don't have enough light. You have over 20seedlings trying to use 1cfl for their photosynthesis process. You have to give enough light for all of them to thrive under. The more lughtthey have the more cells they can make within their stems & leaves.
The fan is supposed to bruise the stem & make the plant heal to the point where it grows an imune to the "wind" wich in other words mean a thick hardy stem. This cannot happen if the plant doesn't have enough light to get the photosynthesis process going strong the plant needs alot of light so she can make sugars for her to use to heal herself. Other wise the fan is only a bother to her.
The stick is a good move now improve your lighting. I only have 1 plant & I am using 6 300watt equivalent compact florescents. They completely cover my girl in light. Make sure the cfl your using is a kelvin value of 6500k for vegging. & 2700k for flowering. These are the perfect light spectrums for your plant to use.
hey man, thanks for that, that was sound advice.

i got 1 flourecent tube which gives out 240 watt and thought that would be enough wattage as theyr only seedlings.


Active Member
You need more light
Light needs to be closer
Don't feed seedlings nutrients, they don't need it.
Oh and if your temp range is between 65-75 Celsius you need to lower it, I hope you meant Fahrenheit.
yeh sorry fahrenheit. the florecent tube is hanging about 1 foot above. maybe bit less then that.

so the 240 watt floro woudnt be suffienct enough?

i def wont feed them any nutrients. im usin rokwool, would mineral water with ph of 6.2 be ok for the time being? and to stabalise this how often would i need to flush them? i was thinking once a week.


Well-Known Member
hey man, thanks for that, that was sound advice.

i got 1 flourecent tube which gives out 240 watt and thought that would be enough wattage as theyr only seedlings.
I understand your mistake since cfls seem a bit dim compared to regular incadescent bulbs. You tend to get real high wattage when in fact all you should be concerned about is the kelvin value & lumens. Lumens lumens lumens man. Don't forget that word. Every bulb has a whole lay out of what the bulb does. Like life hours, wattage, warm light, soft white. & lumens. You want as many lumens as you can get. Just compare bulbs. & obviously take the bulb with the higher amount of lumens & you'll be good. There's no such thing as too many lumens so go nuts. My 300equivalents only use 68watts.
Since your using 240watts already I'm going to assume wattage is the last thing you worry about. So look at the kelvin. Value & lumens man.


Active Member
I understand your mistake since cfls seem a bit dim compared to regular incadescent bulbs. You tend to get real high wattage when in fact all you should be concerned about is the kelvin value & lumens. Lumens lumens lumens man. Don't forget that word. Every bulb has a whole lay out of what the bulb does. Like life hours, wattage, warm light, soft white. & lumens. You want as many lumens as you can get. Just compare bulbs. & obviously take the bulb with the higher amount of lumens & you'll be good. There's no such thing as too many lumens so go nuts. My 300equivalents only use 68watts.
Since your using 240watts already I'm going to assume wattage is the last thing you worry about. So look at the kelvin. Value & lumens man.

il def read into that and get that corrected.

thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Most people can have their cfls actually touching their plants with no harm. Cfls give off very little heat. Place your hand between the bulbs & the plant & near them more & more untill your hand feels too hot. Obviously then it will be too hot for your plant. But you always want to have your lights as close as possible. A foot away for a floro is waaaay too far up. You want to get as much light directly on to your plant. The closer the light is the less chance light has to escape.


Active Member
just one more quest guys to keep me going. some of the plants that are stronger then the droopy have roots at the bottom of rokwl. they are only showing 2 big leaves and 2 little small ones, i think the correct term maybe 1 node? (still learning hehe)
nearly becoming 2 weeks from germ,

should i put them under 600wt hps , or wait for a while?

if the answer is yes, do i start to feed nutrients at this point?

orignal post was about the droopy 1s needing help, but there are a few good ones. and i was told the sunmaster i have has some blue spectrum for veg and can be used through out the entire grow.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Let them get at least 4-5sets of nodes. Just to be on the safe side since the 600watter will increas Temps making it easy to cause heat stress. For now try to make them used to heavy light by bring the light close. You wana encourage more nodes to grow out. A cool 5nodes up & you should have leaves big enough to absorb the light off the 600watter to grow real healthy.