so humor me... you have a device that takes 5 1.2 volt batteries evern though each only puts out 1.2v and you clam they dont add, then why cant I power the device with just one battery? because it takes 6 volts to run the device and 5X1.2=6?? doesnt that make sense, if the volts didnt add or the addition of more made kno difference then you could run it on one battery...and if you take 5 800 lumen bulbs granted each bulb only puts out 800 lumen if you combine the 8 bulbs to an area isnt the area receiving 800 lumens from each bulb thus 4k lumens in the given space??
This has been discussed to death... but it keeps being one of those things that noobs trip on all the time...
Even though I believe when some one with more experience tells you something that seems unreal... you should give them the benefit of the doubt, and before trying to argue the point... you should do some research first.
With that said... I will try to clarify some things....
First, if you are going to use the voltage analogy, you need to think of the voltage in parallel not in series... if you have 2 9 volt batteries, and wire them up in series, the voltage will add up, but the current stays the same.. you just end up with more voltage for the same current... on the flip-side, if you wire them up in parallel, the voltage stays the same, but the current adds up..
Ok now for the lights.....
Say you have a very bright MH bulb on you that says it's 10,000 lum.s
you also have some industrial bulb that is super bright at 100,000 lum.s
you may think that if you get 10 of the MH bulbs together they would equal the super bright bulb... but if you were to plug them all up and put them in a circle, then plug the super bright bulb next to the others and point them all up in the air... jump on a plain in the middle of the night and look down.
You will see a large circle of light next to a brighter dot of light.... yes the MH bulbs will give you more light... but they are all the same brightness... You take your plane ride higher and eventually you won't be able to see the circle of MH bulbs any more, but you will still see the super bright dot.
Thats how plants see light....
You get a bunch of bulbs with a low lum.s rating and your plants see alot of light of the same brightness. If you only had 1 bulb with a high lum.s rating , then you're plants won't see allot of light, but the light thy do see will be brighter... Plants need more strength of brightness, then they need amount of light.
Well thats the best I can explain it... if anybody else has questions..... just do some research and come back to us with facts... before you dismiss it.