1 pot 2 plants?


Active Member
Im growing in a grow tent which has limited space & I was just wondering if I could grow 2 plants in 1 pot so that I could get 6 plants going in there?


Well-Known Member
You could but I wouldn't suggest it, and I don't think anyone else will either. But if all you want to know is if it's possible. Then yes, it is.


Well-Known Member
Im growing in a grow tent which has limited space & I was just wondering if I could grow 2 plants in 1 pot so that I could get 6 plants going in there?
Yes you can. IF you decide to, just make sure the pot is big enough to support both plants and their root system. However, if you plan on getting rid of any males you will not be able to uproot them because the roots will be entangled with the other plants roots. You will have to just cut the stalk if they are sharing a pot.


Well-Known Member
Not only is it possible in a limited space situation it wont hurt shit either,ive done it with no bad results,before you load the soil in the pot cut a peice of plastic large enough to divide the pot in half,put in small amounts of soil in each side to hold the plastic in place then fill the rest of the way up.

Dont get too freaked out about getting the plastic divider perfect,all your trying to do is keep the main root mass seperated,you'll never keep them 100% seperate but as long as your not growing 6ft monster plants it wont matter at all.

Ive grown 4ft high monsters with two plants to a pot using 3 gallon pots while divided down the middle,these were right along side single plant pots with zero difference between the different potting methods.

Go ahead,it wont hurt anything at all.


Active Member
cool I'm gonna give it a go when I've cropped the 2 I've got going now! I'm using feminised seeds so I'v not gotta worry about pulling the males out. Its worth giving it ago & seeing what happens. I'm only using a 1.4m grow tent so they're not gonna be massive.


Well-Known Member
cool I'm gonna give it a go when I've cropped the 2 I've got going now! I'm using feminised seeds so I'v not gotta worry about pulling the males out. Its worth giving it ago & seeing what happens. I'm only using a 1.4m grow tent so they're not gonna be massive.

Good luck!!


Active Member
Is this a bad idea because only one person has gave it the thumbs up? What harm would cause the plants growing side because surely they grow like that in the wild?


Well-Known Member
You could, but I would not recommend it. Matter of fact, dont even do it, roots get tangled and just imagine when they grow.. lol.
My advice is no, just dont.


Well-Known Member
Roots will get all tangle making it nearly impossible to feed correctly, transplant...

it's not a good idea


Well-Known Member
if you absoultly have to then yes its fine.but 2 plants in 1 pot will make the roots tangle which can stunt growth also if your giving them nutes they will fight for them..its not the best idea but you can do it