1 pound indoor plant


Well-Known Member
I don't even use cfl's. I use a mh light for vegging/cloning/motherplants/seedlings, and I run it 24/7. For flowering I use hps. Now you can use cfl's for vegging, but for anything serious you need hps for flowering, you will not get large yeilds off cfl's, they are not strong enough and dont have the same light spectrum as hps. I have a friend who uses cfl's and he yeilds about a quarter dry. I wouldnt even bother, but I get 2 to 4 zips per plant on hps.

Perhaps you should head on over to the CFL forum. There are a few people who will argue your case on CFL's. I believe you are massively understating how good CFL's can be.
now im gunna orger the liquid karma and deff HPS lights but im only gunna use them on my next grow....the experiment must go on lol

but i need to know bc im growing inna pot with soil in my room.....when i water the plants (with or without nutes) should i only water the soil or should i let some water get on the canopy or is that bad for the plant to have water on the outside of it


Active Member
Only water the soil evenly, I dont spray my plants or get the leaves wet, because when I did , I got powder mold.


Active Member
Perhaps you should head on over to the CFL forum. There are a few people who will argue your case on CFL's. I believe you are massively understating how good CFL's can be.
CFL's are awesome if you don't have the space for HID's. I've seen some very respectable harvests under fluorescents. But when you have the necessary airflow and space requirements, HID's are the way to go.


Active Member
Good luck. That would be awesome! I have seen plants scrogged under 1000 watt bulbs yield 2 pounds! I've seen 250hps yields of 8 oz's. So with training, patience, I can see you hitting 12 oz's for sure. I think thats a great yield myself. I have a 400 that Im not using. Have been using 250 for last 2.5 years. Ive learned to be patient and longer veg cycle and lots of traning pay off in yield. I juat finished a RP Sour Kush in a 3.5 gallon pot, topped and 4way Lst'd. It ended up with 13 tops and yeilded 1/4 pound. It was a Sativa dom pheno so the buds are kind of airy. I always shoot for a qp per plant. Have my system dialed in to where Im hitting it pretty consistent.

You really want to learn how to get lots of yield from one plant, Look into scrogging. A great book is Secrets of the West Coast Masters. Look it up. its impressive. Guy has a mathimatical scrogging system that produces 64 tops that are all uniform and Weigh 1/4 oz per top, for a 2 lb plant. Its pretty cool. Once again, good luck on your endeavor
Thanks for that post. It really is all about vegging and topping & training right. This is why I always like to keep plenty of plants going in my veg room for flower rotation because to get large yeilds veg time needs to be lenghty. Like I said, my veg room has a 400 mh going 24/7. I run 2 600 hp's in my flower tent constantly, but if I could get on a rotation with these 15 gal pots, I would be rocking!

Thats cool about the 1/4 pounder off a 250. I to just had a 4 oz plant in a 3.5 pot under a 600hps. (one of my best yeilds) but I know more is obtainable.


Active Member
Perhaps you should head on over to the CFL forum. There are a few people who will argue your case on CFL's. I believe you are massively understating how good CFL's can be.
I am sure it is possible to get decent yeilds fron cfls, I just dont think they could ever match the thickness and denseness from hps. I just personally have never seen an impressive cfl grow.



Active Member
She's coming along, I have got about 40 flower sites going. These 15 gal pots are huge. I am already training another one. I am probabley going to veg her about another 3 weeks, she is only 10 inches tall, just soaking up the rays under a 400 mh.



Active Member
Here is how this plant turned out. Didn't get the full pound, but did get quite a bit. Here are the pics. Remember I grew this in a 15 gal pot under a 600 hps with a brand new eye hortilux bulb, avg temp was about 80.



Active Member

There are lots of us that routinely pull a pound (or waaaay more, 700+ grams sometimes) from a single plant under a 600w hps using that method that flowamasta uses.

It can be done!
I know it can be done because I have seen it as well. I did get 3/4 pound dry on last one, and I expect more on current setup. Thanks for the link , good read. I have my own system though but I am all about knowledge, and I like to see how other people do it.