1 seed, 2 plants! twins!


hey all i started a grow about 2/3 weeks ago and planted 2 strains, 1 strain never sprouted so i chucked it, however the 1 seeds that did sprout gave out 2 plants :-o
has any1 came across this before? The twins are the two biggest plants the little pots are a separate project for a mate of mine.



Well-Known Member
i have seen a wide variety of plants that are able to regenerate entire plants from a VERY small broken root segment (results of rough handling) as a seedling but never as an adult.

not sure about MJ though...interesting.


i have seen a wide variety of plants that are able to regenerate entire plants from a VERY small broken root segment (results of rough handling) as a seedling but never as an adult.

not sure about MJ though...interesting.
i have heard of people growing for 10+ years and not had a twin from a single seedling im quite excited about them really, one seems to be more dominant and is growing slightly bushier however the other is growing taller. im going to make this a grow journal but don't have much time until later. im just heading out the the shops for some finishing touches to my new grow cupboard.


Well-Known Member
All I see is a pic of two plants. And a seedling maybe. Got any pics of them right after the bean germed?


I've had seeds that develop two tap roots, it's not that uncommon, maybe 1 out of 100 seeds that germ.
that's useful to know, this is my second grow and was quite interesting to see 2 sprouts coming from 1 seed. I have changed my lights as well for this grow and things are happening so much quicker.

as i said earlier i will update this in a few hours and make it into a journal adding all relevant details of my growing conditions + set-up cheers people!


these are some earlier photos, 1 photo being the 1 i took after re-potting and 1 photo from before. sorry about the bad quality, my mate has a nice cam i am going to borrow if i need to show you guys some close up details at a later time


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Umm... are you sure you didn't get mixed up and accidentally plant two seeds in one pot? I've actually done that before. Long Story. Never try to plant seeds when you've been drinking a lot of tequila. I had a very can-do attitude with some serious can't-do motor skills. :: sigh :: My misspent youth.


Umm... are you sure you didn't get mixed up and accidentally plant two seeds in one pot? I've actually done that before. Long Story. Never try to plant seeds when you've been drinking a lot of tequila. I had a very can-do attitude with some serious can't-do motor skills. :: sigh :: My misspent youth.
nope im 100% sure they came from 1 seed, as i had 2x pots 2x seeds. and the pot that never sprouted still had the seed inside but had gone soggy =]
the reason they are not right on top of each other is because i moved one plant aside after they sprouted to give the roots room to grow without catching onto each other.


Well-Known Member
I think you planted both beans in one pot. Thinking the one did not pop so tossed it. Those plants are too far apart to have germed from one seed..........


I think you planted both beans in one pot. Thinking the one did not pop so tossed it. Those plants are too far apart to have germed from one seed..........
i did state on an earlier post i moved them apart to stop the roots interlocking and creating problems when i re potted. plus the other pot that never grew i dug the seed up and checked it over. these two twins i have came from one of attitudes freebie seeds. i bought 4 seeds i have two left and one went soggy in the pot. leaving my twins + 2 more seeds waiting for germination.


Well-Known Member
Here is a northern light i just poped a couple of days ago, so i googled and this is the first fourm i came across-013.jpg

that is 2 sprouts from 1 seed im 100% positive
i have that happing to me right now from a female seeds x line fast nevilles from atittude. i cant wait to see what one grows better!


just found this thread... me too--- TGA Subcool Qleaner just popped a double. Not sure if I'll separate them or not. Any update on how yours are doing Rickie?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
I will second the twin quleaners 4 of the 5 I germed had twins. I will keep an eye on them but if the runt doesn't pick up the pace it is going to get shanked. I would rather have a strong healthy plant instead of 2 mediocre ones.