1 week into flowering


Well-Known Member
i am almost a week into flowering cycle 12/12 and i noticed on my plants some "new growth" is this new growth or should this be what im watching for male female identification


Weather its male or female. Describe this ''new growth''


Well-Known Member
well i tried to take a pic but my camera wont zoom close enuff. im guessing its new growth cuz its been a few hours since lookin at them and now i can kinda distinquish that its more leaves. but if im wrong could it be sex identification? is it possible 2 have identification within a week? or does it normally take longer. by the way they are indicas


Hmm not sure on indicas, i'll have to do some research.


Well-Known Member
I've never had any show sex that quick into flowering. Always takes a good while on whatever strain it is I'm growing...as in maybe a month or so. I just watch for little peckers and cod sacks growing in the area where two braches fork off from one another. When the bud turns to seeds is a clue it got pregnant I think.

Hmm not sure on indicas, i'll have to do some research.


Diddnt seem to find anything matching your description. Definately need a pic on this one.


Well-Known Member
if you start seeing little areas that look like grape clusters its a male.. if you see two little white hairs sticking you have a girl... the "new growth" you see is more than likely just where the budding sites will be at...


Well-Known Member
when would most indicas show sex? like whats the general rule into which week i can actually start looking?


indcias show sex much faster then sativas but not always. i have some indicas that took more then 3 weeks 12/12 to show


Well-Known Member
start looking after 10-14 days... keep looking everyday from then on... you will be able to tell sex pretty easily.... i was able to tell the girls from the boys in my current grow within 10 days (most of them at least)... its just hard to say because it depends on the strain... just be patient.. looking over your plants daily... and soon enough youll be able to tell... but 10-14 days and they should start showing... by week 3 or 4 you should know all of them for sure...