1 week into flowering


Active Member
Hey everybody, this is my first grow and even though Ive read a lot on this forum I still dont know much. Im growing big bud from nirvana, I vegged with 400 mh and then switched to 400 hps when I started flowering. I was wondering if its a better idea to grow them tall as I can or try and keep their height down. They are already 3 feet tall so Im not sure if I should tie them down or just let them grow. Also if you guys can look at the pics and give me any advice or criticism. Thanks alot



Well-Known Member
let em go unless you have any height problems in the future. Ive noticed some people will tell you the size doubles in flower... in my case this is not true, all though they get bigger in the 2 months you are flowering, they do not double. Atleast not for me.


Active Member
Yea I dont have any height restrictions so I could grow them as tall as they will grow, I guess Ill do that. Ill just have to put some CFls or something for the lower parts of the plants.


Well-Known Member
the only thing I can think of is when those buds start going those plants might not be able to hold that weight, just something to think about, they dont call it "BIG BUD" for nothing,lol:peace:


Active Member
Yea that thougth crossed my mind too kushmonster. The stems are pretty damn thick right now so hopefully that wont be a problem, if it is I guess I could tie them up or something. If the buds do get too big for the plant to hold up I wont be too upset considering that'd be a shit ton of bud for me.