1 week into my first grow any tips


Active Member
im in the first week of first grow ive got 13 on the go im using 600 watt hps and im growing in miracle grow soil wiv perlite any tips



Well-Known Member
do you have anything less intense then that hps! just starting off youngins like those really dont need that much! it will do if thats all you got but id throw some cfl`s under them for about a mounth or 2 then put that hps over them! over all it looks like there startin off pretty healthy


Well-Known Member
yea lookin good thus far but yea the hps should be after u harden them off a bit
happy growin keep us updated


Active Member
well because of the small pots obviously 2 of them aint but i water them every day and give them a little nutrients every 3-4 days but got some new pics check them out


Well-Known Member
looking good dude! a few tips for u.. water them less frequently than you would think.. I water my White Widows about every fourth day and that seems to do well with soil grows.. when you water, soak ALL of the soil completely and then allow all of the soil to go dry again before watering again. the water that you use should be harvested (if from tap) at least 3-4 days before you use it and should sit in an open container (so chlorine can escape).. also when filling up your container for the next watering, use the coldest tap water you can (less mineralization with cold tap water vs hot).. BUT just make sure that when you actually water the plants the temp of the water in the container is basically the same as ambient.. using HPS for full life cycle is absolutely FINE BUT if you want them to veg at a faster rate, go to walmart and get a few CFLs (150 watters) and put them inches from the tops of the plants along with the light you already have, this will give them a broader spectral array of light to use for veg cycle.. looking good.. good luck!


Well-Known Member
like he said dont water too much, a weed grows best when the roots have to search for water. u should water them evry 2-4 days. i dont use any nutes but if you are keep in mind that there already nutes in the soil (not to mention in MG) so u dont want to over do it
cfls inches away from the tops of your plants is almost religion
our your plants bagseed? get a few good plants growing and learn to clone, that way your bud is consistant, constant, in stages and female evry time
read the forums toughly, and dont ask over asked questions, people will give you great advice when you need it but if they have answered the same Q a dozen times, they might ignore it or worse, respond rudely. there is so much information to learn on riu. i think id have less than half of what i know about growin weed if it wasnt for this site.

good luck bro lookin good

oh last bit of advice, keep animals out of your growspace, i just lost my 3 week old baby today cuz my cat ate the whole thing. live and learn right? im still depressed though
Just a quick post. I'm new as well, and my plants are at about the same stage as Mr's. I'd like to thank everyone (even though this isn't my thread) for being helpful. I'm learning a lot.


Well-Known Member
get them out of that m.g i just started my 1st grow and i used m.g and it has really burned my plants i am 3 weeks in to flowering with 2 plants left i started with 7 2 were males the rest died needless to say i will never use m.g again i have heard nothing but bad things about m.g but it was easy to get so i went with it anways i wish i would have invested in some fox farm but other than that i started with a hps and switched to a m.h into flowering just make sure the plants aren't streching for the light


Active Member
yeah cheers boys for the advice ive just ordered a 300 watt cfl blue to get things going a bit quicker. and you think im watering to much but every day im checking soil it looks dry as shit im even putting my finger in the soil bone dry but i think thats got something to do with the 600watt hps above so thats why im changing to cfl anyways check out my picks every couple of days ill keep everyone posted lovely.


Active Member
yeah nice ive just invested in some coco terra soil mix so sonn as that comes im guna switch up into bigger pots


Active Member
here some new pictures of my plants some of the leaves lokk a bit curled but they seem to be ok apart from that i rekon i could be from me watering to much but they r under a 6oowatt hps that lets of a lot of heat any tips what u think else it could be they r 1 week an 4 days old:joint::joint::joint::cry:



Active Member
at the moment im using a 6oowatt hps dual spectrum but have just got a 300watt cfl blue is alrite to swicth or would it effect my plants they are 2 weeks old some a bit younger


Well-Known Member
1 week 2 days old:joint:wat do you think
dude see how the leaves are curling up, thats heat stress, what is your RH in the room, what kind of nutes ?

just feel how heavy your pots are before and after you water
Hell i started mine with a 400 w Super HPS from a seed they are 15 days old here



Well-Known Member
Dittos on the Miracle Grow crap. I nearly killed my entire crop using their crappy Pearlite with plant food in hempy buckets. Guess enough water finally passed through the junk to wash out the poison cuz they alive an well and in bloom now. It was touch and go for a while.

get them out of that m.g i just started my 1st grow and i used m.g and it has really burned my plants i am 3 weeks in to flowering with 2 plants left i started with 7 2 were males the rest died needless to say i will never use m.g again i have heard nothing but bad things about m.g but it was easy to get so i went with it anways i wish i would have invested in some fox farm but other than that i started with a hps and switched to a m.h into flowering just make sure the plants aren't streching for the light


Active Member
no thats just normal m.g i added the perlite myself but i just recieved my bag coco terra pro plus soil any chance i can move them straight into that


Well-Known Member
This is a critticle time bro wait untill the pots just hold a little water,Once they feel a little light then re water this will give you a far better root system make the plant work for you and not you for the plants.By doing this the plant will get a far better root system on it then if you feed every day.Make sure that you flush the plants on regular interviles this will stop any problems before they start.Not sure whatph that you are feeding but i would be feeding these plants ph of around 5.0/5.5.Give it about two more week then get them on full strenth nutrients and you should have a happy harvest.