10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....


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[h=2]10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....[/h]
1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.
Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.
2. Don't Tell People
Why? They will only be jealous. People love to feel important and that is why they will tell other people; because others will listen to them.
Keep it to yourself.

3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds
Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.
4. Grow seeds from seeded cannabis
One of the greatest disappointments known to the growing man.
90% of what the final product will be is in the seed's genetics and has little to do with the environment the plant is grown in.
Many get their hands on the seed and think they have a gold mine. They will probably grow something like this: hermaphrodites, tall late flowering females coupled with early flowering males. This is because the only pollen that could have produced the seed was from a hermaphrodite or a very stunted and late flowering male the grower did not notice. Unless you are prepared for possible disappointment don't use "unknown" seeds. This is why people buy seeds from seedbanks.

5. Don't Over fertilize.
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

6. Don't Under fertilize
Under fertilizing is less common but it happens. If you are one of those people that likes to give the plant just enough nutrients make sure you use a organic soil mixture with blood meal and bone meal or some slow release fertilizer with micro nutrients.
7. Don't Start with Clones. (I personally don't agree with this, I use clones and cuttings)
Start with seeds. Bugs are a pain, So are plant diseases. Many growers are able to grow indoors without pest problems for years. If they do get pests they are probably not enjoying the change from their usual diet to cannabis resin! But as soon as you come in contact with others grow material (cuttings) it is almost guaranteed that its from a long time grower that has many different pests all eating cannabis and bug spray (and surviving) for hundreds of generations!... Think about it.
8. Don't Start Too Early Inside or Outdoors
For several reasons! If you are starting outdoors June 1 is perfect. But if I start earlier I will get bigger buds right? Probably Wrong!
Its strange but usually true. ill explain. Plants started in early spring will get big but they will take significantly longer to start flowering. This is because at the peak vegetative period they sense the light cycles getting longer and longer, until June 21. But they don't realize that its time to flower yet. Finally in the middle of August the plant says "HEY" "time to flower already" and it produces buds in August and September or later they will be tall as trees but thinner buds due to the fact that the sun is not as strong in September. Now if the ganja plants were put out later, as soon as they get a foot off the ground they say "what's going on" I am just in early veggie and the light hours aren't getting longer in fact SHORTER" Then the plants go crazy and since the sun is so bright in July and August you get amazing 6 foot trees that are heavier than the plants started in April!!! in addition to finishing earlier the late started plants are not nearly as noticeable.

Indoors is the same for different reasons. The light cannot penetrate more than a foot or two. So flower when plants are a foot tall. If you wait longer because you want bigger yields, you will get smaller yields and wait longer for them.
9. Don't Provide A Bad Environment.
Always provide air circulation and fresh air even during the night cycle is fine. All the air indoors should be replaced every 5-10 minutes.
Humidity between 30-70% temp aim for around 75-85' Even seedlings need a gentle fan to strengthen the stems.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early.
I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.
*NOTE: Outdoors if security is a factor make your own call on when to sacrifice the fields. Also take buds continuously in case of thieves.
i do not agree with #4 ,yes seeds from a hermi or self pollinated plants may be crap but i have lucked into some magic with some found beens , i have no regrets growing anything i find
10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....

1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.
Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.
2. Don't Tell People
Why? They will only be jealous. People love to feel important and that is why they will tell other people; because others will listen to them.
Keep it to yourself.

3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds
Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.
4. Grow seeds from seeded cannabis
One of the greatest disappointments known to the growing man.
90% of what the final product will be is in the seed's genetics and has little to do with the environment the plant is grown in.
Many get their hands on the seed and think they have a gold mine. They will probably grow something like this: hermaphrodites, tall late flowering females coupled with early flowering males. This is because the only pollen that could have produced the seed was from a hermaphrodite or a very stunted and late flowering male the grower did not notice. Unless you are prepared for possible disappointment don't use "unknown" seeds. This is why people buy seeds from seedbanks.

5. Don't Over fertilize.
Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

6. Don't Under fertilize
Under fertilizing is less common but it happens. If you are one of those people that likes to give the plant just enough nutrients make sure you use a organic soil mixture with blood meal and bone meal or some slow release fertilizer with micro nutrients.
7. Don't Start with Clones. (I personally don't agree with this, I use clones and cuttings)
Start with seeds. Bugs are a pain, So are plant diseases. Many growers are able to grow indoors without pest problems for years. If they do get pests they are probably not enjoying the change from their usual diet to cannabis resin! But as soon as you come in contact with others grow material (cuttings) it is almost guaranteed that its from a long time grower that has many different pests all eating cannabis and bug spray (and surviving) for hundreds of generations!... Think about it.
8. Don't Start Too Early Inside or Outdoors
For several reasons! If you are starting outdoors June 1 is perfect. But if I start earlier I will get bigger buds right? Probably Wrong!
Its strange but usually true. ill explain. Plants started in early spring will get big but they will take significantly longer to start flowering. This is because at the peak vegetative period they sense the light cycles getting longer and longer, until June 21. But they don't realize that its time to flower yet. Finally in the middle of August the plant says "HEY" "time to flower already" and it produces buds in August and September or later they will be tall as trees but thinner buds due to the fact that the sun is not as strong in September. Now if the ganja plants were put out later, as soon as they get a foot off the ground they say "what's going on" I am just in early veggie and the light hours aren't getting longer in fact SHORTER" Then the plants go crazy and since the sun is so bright in July and August you get amazing 6 foot trees that are heavier than the plants started in April!!! in addition to finishing earlier the late started plants are not nearly as noticeable.

Indoors is the same for different reasons. The light cannot penetrate more than a foot or two. So flower when plants are a foot tall. If you wait longer because you want bigger yields, you will get smaller yields and wait longer for them.
9. Don't Provide A Bad Environment.
Always provide air circulation and fresh air even during the night cycle is fine. All the air indoors should be replaced every 5-10 minutes.
Humidity between 30-70% temp aim for around 75-85' Even seedlings need a gentle fan to strengthen the stems.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early.
I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.
*NOTE: Outdoors if security is a factor make your own call on when to sacrifice the fields. Also take buds continuously in case of thieves.

Most of this is bullshit. I do not agree that getting cuttings from people means they are old time growers with super bugs... The fuck is goin on in this thread? I don't agree with most of what you posted.
you are a noob by the way.. Why would we listen to these "facts" when you have no experience..?
Most of this is bullshit. I do not agree that getting cuttings from people means they are old time growers with super bugs... The fuck is goin on in this thread? I don't agree with most of what you posted.you are a noob by the way.. Why would we listen to these "facts" when you have no experience..?
Ohhhhhhh burn!!!!
deleted post.

Follow your own advice. If you don't like it, don't reply. At least grow enough to understand the faults of some of the information you've pasted. #4 summarized: a plant with seeds in it can only have come from a hermie or a male. No freaking way? Instead of discouraging people from growing them, why not encourage them to grow them as well, as it's a free seed so it doesn't matter if it turns into a shit plant, it's experience.

And learn English while you're at it.

Here is the short of it. That information is available all over the web. If you as a noob found it, so can other noobs. If you want to make a fancy help thread, at least write it yourself from your own experience, not from some random source.

Tip # 11: Don't take advice from noobs who copy and paste other peoples information because it's clear they've no actual experience with the advice they are giving.
what about whacking off on the plants? I read a thread that the guy says this is a good idea. It is not on the list on the 10 biggest mistakes....so it must be OK
no i sure as hell deleted the post it was rude , inappropriate , massive foul language directed at other users. i went in and changed everyones quote to deleted post because i had to delete the original one however no one elses posts were inappropriate
no i sure as hell deleted the post it was rude , inappropriate , massive foul language directed at other users. i went in and changed everyones quote to deleted post because i had to delete the original one however no one elses posts were inappropriate

Try to leave it next time Sunni. You will feel a lot better if you don't take it on yourself to be somebody else's conscience all the time. RIU as a whole will beat attitudes like that down, don't worry. After we're done with him he will think again. Deleting his post is letting him off lightly. If we get out of hand, a stern warning like you usually give will bring us in line. Let us at 'im then lock the thread. I know you like keeping it clean here. But let us help by making people feel uneasy with posting that kind of insulting BS. I love using the spew smiley.
Try to leave it next time Sunni. You will feel a lot better if you don't take it on yourself to be somebody else's conscience all the time. RIU as a whole will beat attitudes like that down, don't worry. After we're done with him he will think again. Deleting his post is letting him off lightly. If we get out of hand, a stern warning like you usually give will bring us in line. Let us at 'im then lock the thread. I know you like keeping it clean here. But let us help by making people feel uneasy with posting that kind of insulting BS. I love using the spew smiley.

If I see it I have to delete it riu does not and has,never stressed,me out my irl problems and never related to mt job here. Thanks,have a,good,one
If I see it I have to delete it riu does not and has,never stressed,me out my irl problems and never related to mt job here. Thanks,have a,good,one

Cool, point taken. At least I got to use the spew smiley. Twice in one day. WIN.