10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC


Well-Known Member
The results are in! TheRuiner congrats but your still off by 2.6 grams... you still win though, yay. +rep
Wow, and I thought I was guessing high... I figured it must weight more then it looked like it did or you wouldn't have started the guessing game... plus you said after 5 days of drying too so that would make it still come out a tad wet, a little on the heavier side still... amazing job man, I think I found where you got your ingredients for your tea too... ?


Well-Known Member
I got it from a dif web site but looks exactly the same.- Thanks,

Guano Tea and Kelp:

Seedlings less than 1 month old nute tea mix-
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
1-cup earthworm castings/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 1-cup mix/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
@ 2 cups/5 gallons of water EVERY watering.
You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags. 3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store. Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers. Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket. The tea should look like a mud puddle. Agitate the bag in the water vigorously. An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it. If you find you are making too much tea and having to throw it out, use 2 1/2 gallons of water and cut the nute amount by half.


Well-Known Member
So your seriously going to redo the entire enclosure? What are you going to do differently next time? Also, while I'm going nuts with questions, where did you find such particular items (Peruvian, Jamaican?) for that crazy tea of yours? Was that an original concoction, and is there a reason you chose such region specific guanos?
Sorry this is all the way from like 3 pages ago but better late than never.
I think Ill try some dwc on a vert scrog on one side of the room... Besides that I cant afford to do much more(money sucks). I get all these items from a grow store nearby and its kinda cool because supposedly mexican bats eat different food than jamaican bats thus altering the npk levels of their poop. Im sure there is ALOT more to it but thats awesome. Im by no means an organic guru or anything, I just followed that recipe. :-(


Well-Known Member
Just about ready for cure. This isnt all of it, just enough to pimp out my jersey...:joint:
This stuff is very tasty on the exhale and I cant wait for a good cure.:joint: very stoney too. lol I forgot to add the pics lol. :confused:

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
whats up whodat

very nice harvest

i was wondering if you give ur tea str8 or do u dilute it any

thanx in advance bro...later


Well-Known Member
Most the time I gave it str8 but twords the end I diluted it then I gave it pure water for the last week and a half.


Well-Known Member
You must be a Jesuit kid with money like that.
You come at me like that with retarded questions like this....
I have come to the obvious conclusion, that the easiest way to keep heat down would be the electricity. So if anyone has some experiance on the subject, what bulb puts off least heat. Hps, Cfls, or Mh?

All right well i plan to put 16 plants in a 4x4x5 area with about 2000 watts. I was gonna let them veg till like a foot maybe 14 inches, then flip to 12/12. I figured that would be a nice enough setup for a good yield. Looking for a pound. What do y'all think?
Please do yourself a favor and stop posting.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to give your tea a run next time man, FF lineup is subpar right now, not having the best experience with it now...

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
All right well i plan to put 16 plants in a 4x4x5 area with about 2000 watts. I was gonna let them veg till like a foot maybe 14 inches, then flip to 12/12. I figured that would be a nice enough setup for a good yield. Looking for a pound. What do y'all think?

dude u cant be serious.if u cant get a lb with 2000w u need to quit trying:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well looks like my journal is nearing its end... I guess instead of continuing this one I just gonna start another one. Once I get it up I'll post the link for the people that wanna follow along. Im gonna have like 7 different strains going so it might get kinda CRAZY!?!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
******** said:
hey man I was looking at some pics of your grow you had posted recently, nice setup! Couple questions if you don't mind.

Did you make it a sealed room?
How did you prevent the AC from creating an air leak to let smell and such out?
Can you possibly get a few pictures of your door? Is it a normal pre-hung door?
What did you use for the inside covering?
Insulation at all?
Did you just use 2x4s and plywood?
Any other tips for building such a room?

I'm trying to plan out a room myself, just trying to get a few pointers, sorry for all the questions!


Thanks for the kind words ********...
1- yes I made it a sealed room
2-I did nothing to the ac units because Im not sure what to do about them but the room still kept the co2 levels up very nicely.
3-I got some pics of the doors around page 7-10 of my journal... sorry kinda busy at the moment. The doors are made out of the same material as the rest of the "Box". Just 2x4 and 4x8 sheets of 1/2in OSB.
3and4- The inside covering is 1in foam insulation board, it comes in 4x8 sheets and is also fire resistant...:-)
Tips- If you want a sealed room your gonna want to caulk ALL JOINTS INSIDE AND OUT......I did this twice. Then I put up the insulating board with glue and spray foamed ALL OF THOSE JOINTS. then fit the a/c unit/units and spray foam that to. Your probably gonna need two people and a good amount of time if your not familiar with construction and carpentry. If you do decide to do a sealed room your really gonna have to READ READ READ AND READ SOME MORE, sorry but your pocket book is also gonna have to be kinda fat...:-( Including everything from start to finish I spent about 4.5k OUCH! now Im brok!LOL at least I can grow ganja though;-) That price includes EVERYTHING, soil, nutes, equipment... Best of luck to you and if you have more questions pleas feel free to swing by my journal and post. Hope you dont mind but Id like to post this up for some of the people following to see.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like my journal is nearing its end... I guess instead of continuing this one I just gonna start another one. Once I get it up I'll post the link for the people that wanna follow along. Im gonna have like 7 different strains going so it might get kinda CRAZY!?!?!?!?!?!
Well pm me when you are starting the next journal.....im very interested in your grows. after this one im hooked.
I havent been on RIU for a couple days now so... hopefully i havent missed the final weight-in. well goodluck and when your journals end, dont forget about my grow/journal. :)
Im on vacation right now and havent seen my plants since friday...... but when i get back im gonna put them into flower. :P
cant wait for your next grow and how you go about you next grow room.