$10 Cheeseburger


Well-Known Member
I heard that fdd.
I love my food especially good burgers, ribs, and bbq.
I want one of those tow trailer bbq pits.
I have nothing to tow it with but I would buy something just for it.

My uncle is a big fan of my states state college footbal team.
He has one of those bbq's that looks like a little train it is pretty neat.
I think he is selling it for 20k so he can build another.

I am not big on sports myself but I love to grill and smoke and toke.
I think my favorite chicken right now is the beer can chicken cooked on a grill.
My favorite food is ribs and my second fav is good catfish.
Damn, I a getting hungry now.
Time for some grilled chicken and bbq sauce.

Sorry for the rant on food.
I just saw the name of the thread and I am starting to get hungry wilst hitting this ominous bong.


Well-Known Member
fadd sounds like hes rollin big time in some cash...i never get sick from mcdonalds..if i did there is always wendys


Well-Known Member
when you have 1 at 11am and it lasts as the only meal of the day other than a light snack in the evening, i'd say that's a pretty good deal. 3 meals for $20? i'd buy that for a dollar.


New Member
all i know is that the cowbow burger from apple bee's is the fuckin bomb a good second is the carls jr bacon western 6 doller cheese burger that shit is bomb...also this place called fuddruckers makes a killa burger...


Well-Known Member
i guess you figure 5 somthin a meal so thats 3 reg meals at mcds, me personally i will still eat cheaper than that and less..and there are no cute waitresses at mcdonalds so you come out on top there haha, az just saw the post..those are heartattacks on a bun man..ive had the applebees burgers and i can feel my heart slowing down as i eat it


Well-Known Member
yeah i like the ribs but im a person who works out so i dont eat out to often.

im a stoner/workout person

Im yet to understand how you could do this. I hate having to lift a finger after a smoke. How do honestly get in the state of mind where you want to work out? Iv tried it, i find it impossible. Am i just lazy? I envy you. Peace


New Member
well i lift weight to...i find it best to go to the gym right after work unlike to day where i've been chillin an smokin.....its a state of mind like you say just focus on the goal an go with it...


Well-Known Member
Im yet to understand how you could do this. I hate having to lift a finger after a smoke. How do honestly get in the state of mind where you want to work out? Iv tried it, i find it impossible. Am i just lazy? I envy you. Peace


i get up at 4:30am with a bowl load. at work by 6. bowl load on the way there. bowl load once i get there. then 10 hours in the feild. HARD labor. high allllllllllll day. come home shower up. hit the indica. nigh, night........:hump::hump:

oh, and applebees' for lunch. :mrgreen: