10 day old seedling


Active Member
All you need right now is a 20w. That plant can't even take advantage of all the light you're giving it. After your current setup isn't cutting it, you can either add more CFL's, or switch to a 250w - 400w HPS setup.


Well-Known Member
im going to use fox farm grow big in about 2 weeks probly..the soil im using is fox farm ocean forest


Active Member
CFL's are way better the florescent..you pay cheap you get cheap results. Just make sure you have CFL's all around your plant so you get ultimate bud production!! If you just light the tops your bud will only be good on the top! Oh and the bigger the CFL the better!


Active Member
Oh yeah they'll grow up nice. I even like putting them up for CFL's in the beginning of their life because it just makes my plant look so much more wonderful. I swear, If those plants grow old and big and go from a 20w and a 42w right now? in a month, Put that shit under a 500w led or a 400 hps or mh dude it would be an amazing harvest. use those nutes, get molasses, get bud spray, keep it all handy. put posts up to keep your plant straight up. let a fan blow on them, 24/0 on the stems. you'll get real nice thick fat juicy stems i swear with what you have right now you could have a amazing indoor harvest in 2 1/2 months if you just let that shit grow and grow real and big I've seen 1/2 pound, QP plants come out like that buddy if you got the right strain... wooooo.. I swear, Good setup with new people always makes me glad and i just wanna pour advice in there head, I just like poured my soul out into this post, im really fucked up right now too so that could of done it. Never smoke weed laced with acid bad idea I hollusinated for the past 3 hours lol.


New Member
CFL's are way better the florescent..you pay cheap you get cheap results. Just make sure you have CFL's all around your plant so you get ultimate bud production!! If you just light the tops your bud will only be good on the top! Oh and the bigger the CFL the better!
Well if you have enough cfls they will grow bud, but I have to disagree with you. CFL lights don't do nearly as good a job as t5 floro tubes.