10 Day old Sprouts Leaf Yellowing on Tips


Active Member
Hello I have about 5 bagseeds vegging under a couple cfls, and one of them seem to have yellowing tips on the leaves. The others are perfectly fine so I have no idea what it is, It cant be heatstress because the others are fine, and temps in there are only 78 degrees. So what can it be?

I am not using any nutes, they are currently in organic soil a mix of soil and peatmoss.

Also all my plants are only an inch 1/2 tall, with one set of leaves with another pair starting to grow. Whats causing the stunted growth?

BTW i have only been misting the tops of the soil so that it is moist, once a day. Could that be the reason why theyre so stunted. People say that they water there seedlings until they see water draining out the bottom, wouldnt that be too much water for such a small plant?



Well-Known Member
I water mine till it drains out the bottom no problems. What i do is just water till it drains and just pick up the pot and get a feel for its weight. Just keep checking back days after and when it feels like it weighs nothing its time for more water. That's also a normal size for 10 days.

What brand of soil?

Do you have a ph meter and tds meter?

You really need to water till it drains out of the bottom. Keep that drainage and check the ph and tds and youll find your problem if any.


Over watering is really the most common problem at the seedling stage, the soil needs to be moist but not waterlogged, roots need to breathe. What kind of water are you giving them? Salt and hard minerals in high concentrations can cause symptoms like that.


Active Member
Hillview organix mix is the brand of soil.

No i dont have a ph meter or a tds meter as of right now, i plan on getting one soon though.

and is it really the average height? I dont mean 10 days from germing, i meant 10 day old since it broke soil. Ive seen other 10 day olds, and they got like 3 sets of leaves, mine only has 1!


Active Member
Dude I'm having the same problems with my seedlings. I have 10 in total that germed 2 weeks ago.

However only a few of them look healthy. The rest are burnt on the leaf tips and look shriveled and pathetic really.

Its a dwc setup, so I checked each net pot and surprise... the planets that looked healthy had solid roots in the water.

The shriveled plants have not yet established a root in the res.

So basically I'm agreeing with 2brains and I think ur plants need more water.

Bring the ppms up to 150-200 imo