10 days into flower.. 3000 watts hps


Well-Known Member
i got 9 plants. vegged them to about 22 inches. flowering under 3000 watts hps. they are just 10 days in and one of my plants measure 29 inches. you think they will reach 6ft? also i lst'd them and topped them. they are about 2 1/2 to 3 ft wide. what you think i could be expecting on yeild? atleast 4 lbs? that would be 0.6 grams per watt..

Ps anyone know of any how to links to building the krusty/freedom bucket system?


Well-Known Member
They probably won't get to 6ft. Plants usually tend to double in size through flowering, some strain could maybe get closer to three times the size.

Realistically they'll probably stop closer to 4ft.


Well-Known Member
Fair but wrong to expect without knowledge and experience under your belt, Not hatein on you just saying that it is better to get your grow on without expectation. In the end you and your plant will be thankful.

Most new growers kill thier plants with expectation, because they add all kinds of things without any understanding thinking they will get a higher yield.

Best to simply be blessed by what the plant offers when it arrives :bigjoint:


there is no way to tell what you will yeild bro... there are so many variables to consider here.... you could get 4lbs, or you could get 1/2lb... it all depends.... do you homework and dont cut corners and you'll be fine.