10 days of darkness


I have 6 NL plants under 400HPS flowering nicely into theirs fifth week. They are as happy as can be but unfortunately I have to leave for ten days and I have to lock them up in the attic with no light on. I am trying to find better solution but this is the worst case scenario. My question is are they going to survive it? I believe they need another 3 weeks of flowering to be ready. What is the best way to 'hibernate' them so I can finish them when I come back?

Here's an idea, go to wal-mart and buy a light timer for $3. Water the plants really really well and hope they dont dehydrate in the 10 days your gone. And im pretty sure 10 days of darkness will kill them, not that i'v ever done that before, i have a light timer.


Active Member
Years ago we threw a bunch of clones out. A week later I opened the garbage bag and they still werent dead, werent healthy either but werent dead.


Well-Known Member
get a plant sitter or cut them up and throw them away, ten days dark with 3 weeks left=dead plants, if the dark doesnt do it the heat and lack of water will.


Temperatures will be ok and watering is sorted. Will have to make some temporary lighting for them probably even below 100W hope they will survive it...
hey there my fellow grower wondering if you have any good advise for a novice grower first time using corect nutes and gettin water ph corect! im growing a outdoar summer crop !! plants very healthy but just want to know if theres anything more i can do to maximize my grow and yeild! thaks liam uk


Well-Known Member
Temperatures will be ok and watering is sorted. Will have to make some temporary lighting for them probably even below 100W hope they will survive it...
if thats sorted than yes give them some cfl lighting and they should be ok. i would put a bulb over every plant if it was me.


Well-Known Member
hey there my fellow grower wondering if you have any good advise for a novice grower first time using corect nutes and gettin water ph corect! im growing a outdoar summer crop !! plants very healthy but just want to know if theres anything more i can do to maximize my grow and yeild! thaks liam uk
you dont need much outdoors, just water and maybe some light bloom ferts 1 time now.if you want really good smoke dont dump a bunch of shtuff on them.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
You can set up an automatic water system. :wink: Timed, gravity feed "I.V. Drip". You might like it well enough to keep it going for all time.

Parts list: You should be able to figure out how this works, and have a good picture/idea how it all goes together.

1... Irrigation Timer.. about $20
1... Garden Hose >>to>> drip adapter. OR A Drip Manifold that fits to garden hose thread. {it has several .. hopefully 6 drip tubes coming off it}
6... drip emmiters. 2 gph should be fine, as with gravity feed the pressure may not be sufficient to actually drip 2 gph.
1/8" drip line. a few feet of 1/2" or 5/8 drip tubing.
2 or 3... 5 gal buckets. All linked together {towards the bottom end of bucket} = one 10 -15 gal reservoir. Lids, with a small hole drilled to allow air... but not full exposure to light, airborne mold/fungus/algea spores etc. Aerate with air stones if possible.

Personally I would put the plants, and reservior buckets in a morter tub, or rubber maid storage containers big enough to to contain leaks, etc. In case this thing fails.. the water is contained, rather than causing water damage to your ceilings..

Run a test, with all the drip emitters dripping into a cup or individual cups. Time how long it takes to drip the amount of water you desire, and set the timer accordingly.

**Disclaimer... I havent set up such a system. But I know it would work, and thats what I would do in this situation.

Another possibility is a wicking system sold at garden centers. It has a ceramic cone thingie hooked to a tube. It is first primed, then the ceramic thingie is buried in the soil, the rube goes into a bucket of water. The roots wrap around the ceramic thing, and suck the water out of the bucket. About $20 for 6 of them.


Well-Known Member
Get one of those cheap watering bulbs and stick it in the soil. Put a few cfls on a timer and.... whattya know, same thing as what some people are prolly using as their main setup, haha.