10 days old...what you think?

Shes 10 days old today i think im doing a pretty good job so far, Shes just under 2 inches tall and another set of leaves are already coming in. Sorry about the picture quality, my camara broke and had to use my phone. Please tell me what you guys think, thanks!


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Sry for not posting details, Im using 4 26w daylight(6500k) cfls putting out 1500 lumens a peice, light cycle is 24/0 for now and shes in a 3 gallon bucket and im using a jug with sugar, yeast and warm water with a tube right on my plant for Co2
sounds like your on the right track with her....just don't start feeding her nutes yet or you'll kill her. I'm using the same thing in a mason jar x's 2 jars for co2 in my closet.
It really does work i noticed a change with her the 2nd day after putting the co2 in there, she like shot out leaves over night lol and thank you very much its my first grow and hoping its a sucessful one!
And when should i start using nutes? ive read so many different things its confussing, ive herd after the 4th set or leaves, is that right?
the fruit flies kinda like mine though....maybe I'm using too much sugar :o ! Plus I keep the hose that pokes out of the top of the jar near my fan so it blows it around. The plant closest to it is always the perkiest :)
Dude same here, as soon as i put it in there i started noticing those tiny flys, the sugars gotta be whats attracting them, are they harmful to the plant? ive jus been killin them every time i see them on the wall in my grow room lol and i also keep my fan right there, seems to help alot.
yeah I just kill em too! I don't ever see them on the plants....and if I ever do....the jars are gone. But I'm gonna get some fly paper tubes just in case and hang it right over my co2 makers. Stupid fruit flies.
And when should i start using nutes? ive read so many different things its confussing, ive herd after the 4th set or leaves, is that right?

I would wait at least 3 weeks unless you are planted in some soil/media that has none in it. If you are using miracle grow or some similar potting soil when you do apply nutes do it about 1/2 or less strength about every 2 weeks is what I do. You will do more harm with too much nutes than you will with less if using potting soil. When you het to flower go for some bigger bulbs (2600-2700k) like maybe 40-55 actual watts. I think you can fond a 150w equiv at Walmart. I have several 200w and one 300w Equiv. (its a monster bulb). While your in Walmart lusting after CFL bulbs head on over to the cooking section and get you some pie pans to make you a ghetto reflector. Be sure and put some holes to let the heat out. Good luck, hang in there you'll get some bud. Maybe an ounce plus if your lucky off cfl. Before you start flowering in a few weeks take some clones, you'll be glad you did and have the experience.
thanks for all the advice man i will definatly check those bulbs out, but i might just go buy a 250w hps for flowering, i figure if i spend a lil money ill deffinatly make it up in bud and im deffinatly gonne get some clones off her
Thanks for all the advice bro ill check those bulbs out, i might just go get a 250w hps for flowering, i figure if i spend a lil money ill definitly make it up in bud and definitly plan on getting some clones off her
j00 can start foliar spraying bro i do da foliar spray on da first set of true levz with da serated blades mofaka chek it out deres a thred in da ADVANCED sektion iz called the lost art of foliar feeding and i get bigass lefz and begiass plentz and bigass flowerz for da c02 use in flowerizing and u can up the temp abit they take moar c02 also u can spray em with a solution of methylene omg
Thanks for all the advice bro ill check those bulbs out, i might just go get a 250w hps for flowering, i figure if i spend a lil money ill definitly make it up in bud and definitly plan on getting some clones off her

I understand this is a good deal:

You can get one of the kits with both bulbs hps and MH. You can get 600w for 199 and get both bulbs with digital ballast and you can adjust power down if you want. I have heard they have very good service.