10 Fem auto ak, 1 reg blueryder, 1 reg dieselryder and 3 freebies fem


Active Member
wowowowowow. jus saw a post that slater showed me bout a guy in florida vused for pot an everything. they explained it out an dillweed has it. slater jus sent me a link so i decided to shut my page down for ever after that shit bro. i jus read it an im done. so everybody happy growin an peace out


Active Member
i grow no more for anybody still reading. killed all plants and dismantled tents! peace everybody, read that post by dillweed or ask slater13


Well-Known Member
MattyMatt is gone too...No more harvest here...plants destroyed and hauled away this morn!!! All grow op stuff has been sold!!! waiting on spring to tend to my tomatoes!


Active Member
noooooo your all way too paranoid!! change your ip address and everything you showed here was stolen photo's and fictional stories anyways!!
USA is WAY to serious about cannabis!!! Before harry j anslinger it was sold as tincture in stores all over north america for all kinds of illness.
if you dont know who harry j anslinger is look him up->and go piss on his grave!(not litterally bc it's illegal)if your up for it though,lol

there's alot of reasons this guy got busted, he showed and told everything he bought online for growing and had facebook connected with his rollitup...
it also states that someone ratted him out. it went from 1-20 pages in less than 3/4's of a day....quit toppic!

also in the terms of use, when you sign up it says no data or photo's from this site can be used in any court.
im trying to make a new usrename just to re-read it and then delete the newone...

i really hope the autothread/auto-growers dont all bail out.
to anyone leaving i appreciate the knowlegde you've shared,
thanks for your time and goodluck with life in general


Active Member
I am not paranoid by any means.....Ill be here from time to time...
ok sweet, i read the whole thread of sticky mango's bullshit and too many people were freaking out.
this site is kind of an asset to me, nowhere can i find people as intrested in auto's and the
info here (will) save me time and hassle (& money)

peace 'n' thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah I noticed that too....One of my props is ready for the prime time! She is getting 36 hrs of darkness on Thurs, and starring in the new Grim Reaper movie on Sat! :)