10 Fem auto ak, 1 reg blueryder, 1 reg dieselryder and 3 freebies fem


Well-Known Member
how often do u water them? the first 2 lil round shaped leaves will turn yellow and fall off or can be taken off as well.


Active Member
its not the round ones but the ones after that, but they are doin ok now. not yellow or fallen off. i been spray waterin everyday, gonna try a real heavy dilluted version of the fishmix, says its good for cuttings. i will get pics up soon, lookin thick in there tho. next grow im goin with 20 fems sog. has anybody tried budswell

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Some pics would help man. How often do you water? They might be getting to much. The spray might not be helping if that's the case.


Active Member
ok, yea ill get pics up asap. i think i cudda been overeacting. i put 2 ml in a gallon and sparayed once today and they have all perked up. the joint docs are goin at an excelent rate tho


Active Member
just checked on a group of ladies an they are doin great after there diluted version of fish mix bath. i used it as a foiler feed as it says can be done on bottle. i used it on all of them and they all liked it. pictures cummin soon


Well-Known Member
yeah I wudnt give them anymore for 3 days or so..mine really reacted well when I put them on a water schedule of every 3.5 days or so...look forward to more pics man!


Active Member
yeah since they are so small will chill out. i havent watered in two days so i have sprayed um so i will chill for another day or two without sprayin


Well-Known Member
Try to judge when to water by the weight of the pots, not by how dry the top looks.
If you let them dry a little between watering, the roots will grow in search of water. More roots = bigger plant.
I've got a small clone on the go at the moment, haven't watered her in 4 days as there is still some weight in the pot.


Well-Known Member
has anybody tried purple maxx from humbolt?
I think you might be going a bit nutrient crazy!
All these companies trying to sell u their crap.
Stick to the basics. good veg food, good flower food, bit of CHEAP organic molasses and you will be fine.
These nutrient companies hype up a really average product with BIG prices for very little gain (if any).
Save your money dude.



Active Member
well i already got the bio line. and molasses taken care off. i may try budswell or purplemaxx an thats it. more pics comin to buddies


Active Member
i havent nuted yet besides the foiler feed off fish mix. they liked it alot, nice and perky. since i got good soils i wont nute untill 4th week


Well-Known Member
I started nuting mine at 3 weeks with no nute burn. Actually, they have had root stimulator every watering since seedling, then on 3rd week 1/4 strength Grow Big,3.5 days later root stim and water only, then 3.5 days later 1/2 strength Grow Big, so basically every other watering until you reach full strength. I then waited a week and went to a Bloom nute, Tiger Bloom in this case,same way, 1/4 strength, I added my molasses in here, then 1/2 stength, you get the picture. I am now at full strength Tiger Bloom and going to switch to Beastie Bloomz next watering. They got molasses and root stim today. They are 49 days old, and budding profusely, with resin coatings looking yum yum. I wish I had a digi cam for some good pics...


Active Member
Lookin great Kush! Those babies are comin along great so whatever your doing keep it up.

From what Ive read purple maxx supplies flowering hormones and amino acids to stack flower sites as well as bring the plants into bloom quicker. From what it looks like you have those already in your bloom food as well as the top max so it would seem kinda pointless but I have never tried it so what the fuck do I know? lol.

I thought about it too but decided against it since it looks like the nutes Im using has the amino's and hormones already. I am going to try the gravity which I have heard people rave over. Got it sitting with the nutes just waiting for the plants to get far enuff along to use it.

Set up looks awesome man. Reiss is right too, look at what he did with the ak's using what bio bizz had to offer. By far the best looking and yielding ak's Ive seen to now. Shit man, Reiss is the reason I went with the auto ak's cause I wasnt sure they would be able to get big enuff for a good yield but he proved that otherwise so I had to jump on the wagon.

Just be patient and those plants will be ready for harvest in no time. Keep up the great work man!


Active Member
thanks slate, plus rep to you and reiss definitely. yeah i have the biobizz line ready an waitin. this friday marks the end of week 2. ive been givin them a heavy diluted version of the fish mix as a foiler spray and they loved it. so i havent watered in two days and counting and they have shot up. i think i may water satrtin thursday or friday even, give um a light spray of the fish mix. if u guys havent tried it, u should pick some up. smells like dead body tho. i have 9 aks fem in the ground, saved one seed for maybe a seed run later. i also have 7 joint docs total up an reachin. hope i got at least one fem out of those. if not i have the 30 fem seeds ready for my perpetual grow plus 10 joint docs left so i should be str8. since i added 400 more hps wattage in a week im goin to 18/6 to save a lil power ya know. but my goal is to perpetual harvest like at least a half a pound a month. i also want to grow buku fem, my freebie fems, greenhouse bubba kush fem perpetually after i get my stock up on the kush and diesel side. ow is the ak smoke tho? is it skunky?


Active Member
hey slate wut does gravity do? or suppose to do? an has anybody heard anything about the auto hindu? got 15of those an i hear they stay short so shud i get more cuz i want a nice yield. i got 15 fem diesels too but im really crazy for the kush tho


Active Member
Gravity is made by Emeral Triangle, the same company that makes purple maxx. Gravity is a Phosphorus booster that adds weight to the buds. I picked some up for the hell of it cause I so alot of people raving about it. Havent tried it yet but my ak's will start getting it around week 6 or so.

Definately jump in on the molassis as it's a nice Potassium booster with lots of sugars. Your tastebuds will thank you later when your smoking those herbs! Last grow I used Hibrix from Earth Juice and I liked it but this time I got some Ultra Snow (Emerald Triangle) Im going to use on half the plants and the Hibrix on the other half to see if theres any difference at all.

Funny you mention Bubba Kush, my lady wants that for the next grow. I have my eye on the Master Kush from Nirvana to give her some competition. Have to look at other Kush's since Attitude is out of the Violator (fucking sucks)! Gonna get some more indica's going cause I get used to the sativa's way too fast and they dont last long. Also looking at the Hindu's as well. A buddy is interest so we'll probably split those. We only have about 16 grams of the violator left and we have no other kush's growing at the moment so we'll be out soon and thats where the Hindu comes in.

Looks like the Hindu's stay short so a sea of green in like 1 or 2 gallon pots should pack them in pretty tight under the 1k lights. I just hope for your sake that you can keep the odor under control from all those sticky girls cause they will reek something fierce.


Active Member
yeah im stickin 20 now in the tent under 1k. 10 hindu fems and 10 diesel fems. jus made the order wit attitude 2 secs ago thats why i was askin, so i said fuckit, and ordered 5 more diesel and kushes fem autos